A Giant Robot Head Was Built for Pacific Rim

Posted by Ben Huber on May 31, 2013 in Cinema


Guillermo del Toro never backs down from making his movies right. And if his latest “giant robots vs. giant monsters” movie Pacific Rim needs a real giant robot head built, then by golly they’re going to make one! A new featurette went up on Yahoo detailing the process behind using such a big set piece, as well as why he wanted to make it in the first place. The added work is clearly worth it, giving the actor something real to work with and adding realism to the film. There’s also a bunch of new promotional images and interviews out and about. Some links and videos below! Read more…

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Double Fine Launches New Kickstarter: Massive Chalice

Posted by Ben Huber on May 31, 2013 in Videogames


Double Fine was the game company to put Kickstarters on the map as a viable way to complete a game. Broken Age, and its accompanying documentary, however, are still ongoing and the game itself has not come out yet (although it should arrive before the end of the year). So some may react with some apprehension to Double Fine’s newest Kickstarter game, Massive Chalice. It looks to be a creative take on the tactical strategy game like Final Fantasy Tactics or Fire Emblem, but your army and warriors age over time, and the next in line of their family takes over. How cool you are with the overabundance of Kickstarters might affect what you think of this game, but at least watch the fantastic promotional video made by Double Fine for the project. Read more…

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Every PS4 Game Must Work With Vita Remote Play

Posted by Bob Muir on May 30, 2013 in Videogames

PlayStation Vita Remote Play

Do you remember wirelessly connecting your PSP to your PS3 to play PS3 games on your PSP? You probably don’t, because it was used for a scant few games, most of which were PSN games. Maybe that’s because the PSP not only didn’t have L2 and R2 buttons, but more importantly didn’t have a right analog stick. So when Sony started talking up the same feature for the PlayStation Vita and the PS4, seemingly just to compete with the Wii U Gamepad, it made sense to be skeptical. But thankfully, Sony has some good news. Read more…

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Play Nintendo’s E3 Line-up At These Select Best Buy Stores

Posted by Bob Muir on May 30, 2013 in Videogames

Iwata and a Luigi Swarm

Nintendo isn’t playing by the rules at this year’s E3. Instead of holding a big press conference like previous years, they’ll be relying completely on their Nintendo Direct webcast, a series of announcements that have been doing quite well for Nintendo. But beyond that, you’ll be able to play their line-up at certain Best Buy stores across the United States and Canada. Called the “Nintendo Experience,” you can visit these Best Buy stores on June 12 from 4-8PM and on June 15 from 1-5PM to try out demos of Nintendo’s newest games for 3DS and Wii U. Read more…

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Experts Weigh In On How Superman Shaves

Posted by Bob Muir on May 29, 2013 in Comic Books, Science

Bearded Superman

Zach Snyder’s Man of Steel is out on June 14, and besides the usual marketing, Gillette has a new tie-in campaign asking the question of how Superman manages to shave his beard. We know he has a beard earlier in the film, according to the trailer, but obviously Superman is clean-cut, so it has to be done somehow. While this has probably been explained several ways throughout the years, Gillette got several smart people to weigh in: Bill Nye (the Science Guy), Kevin Smith (nerdy director), Mayim Bialik (The Big Bang Theory), and Adam & Jamie (Mythbusters). Whose theory sounds the best? Read more…

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Sonic Lost World Harkens Back To Canceled Game

Posted by Bob Muir on May 29, 2013 in Videogames

Sonic Lost World

Nintendo had announced during a recent Nintendo Direct that Sega was making a new Sonic game exclusively for Wii U and 3DS. Now there’s a trailer for the game, titled Sonic Lost World. While parts of the trailer may make many wary — there are several new characters, which are always the weakest part of the game — there is something interesting going on that seems to reference an earlier, canceled Sonic game. Read more…

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Murderville, Where Life is Cheap and Murder is Lucrative!

Posted by Michael Pinto on May 28, 2013 in Comic Books

Murderville, where life is cheap and murder is lucrative

I normally try to ignore Kickstarter projects, but if it involves Carol Lay cartoon characters up to no good I’ll make an exception: Read more…


Gamer Discovers New Sidequest In Final Fantasy IX, 13 Years After Release

Posted by Bob Muir on May 28, 2013 in Videogames

Final Fantasy IX Nero Sidequest

I love it when players discover new things in old videogames. For something to remain hidden in the Internet Age is quite amazing, and it doesn’t happen often. In this case, YouTube user GarlandTheGreat has found a new sidequest in Final Fantasy IX. It involves going to the Tantalus hideout at the start of the fourth disc, where Zenero and Benero are looking for Marcus and Cinna. This is just the start of the sidequest, which involves triggering certain major events like boss fights or cutscenes to advance the quest. When going back after one of these events, you’ll see a new family member wondering where the previous family members are. Going all the way through the quest earns the player a Protect Ring. Read more…

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How Bright Does A Franchise’s Star Burn? Movie Grosses Ranked

Posted by Bob Muir on May 28, 2013 in Cinema, Star Trek, Star Wars

Movie Franchises as Stars

With the recent release of Star Trek Into Darkness and the constant buzz surrounding 2015’s Star Wars: Episode VII, the franchises continue to be big in the public eye. But if these two franchises were stars, how bright would they be? The New Yorker has charted the two franchises, as well as several other prominent franchises throughout the past few decades, to see which franchise has raked in the most money. Unsurprisingly, James Bond wins that, due to there being 24 films in the franchise. But when ranked by what a franchise’s average film earned, Star Wars was the clear winner, as well as in franchise profitability. (Even the prequels couldn’t ruin that!) Since we can’t embed it, you can see the full chart here and find where your favorite franchise wound up. Read more…

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Ace Attorney Trilogy HD Coming to iOS This Week

Posted by Ben Huber on May 27, 2013 in Videogames


After many delays and pushing the game back for unknown reasons, the Ace Attorney Trilogy HD will finally arrive on iOS in the US this week. The official release date is May 30th. The first two cases are free to play, and after that the first game is available for $5.99, and the second and third are $6.99. You can also grab everything in one go for $16.99. While that is a lot for an iOS game, getting all three on the Nintendo DS (especially if you have to hunt down the slightly rarer games can cost you $90 or more. I’m not quite sold on the way they’re HD-ing the sprites, as everything’s outlines seem to be a bit wonky, but I’m ready to give it a shot. Read more…

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What’s Inside Molyneux’s Curiosity Cube? Disappointment

Posted by Ben Huber on May 27, 2013 in Videogames


So Peter Molyneux’s grand experiment is finally over: what’s in the Cube? Everyone chipped away at the cube and one person, Bryan Henderson, got the prize inside. And we all know this mythical gift that Molyneux was talking up couldn’t be that amazing – it could never be as “life-changing” as he said. But still, what was it? A chance to be a virtual god in Molyneux’s next game, Godus, and (seemingly) a share of the profits and some creative influence in the game. Which is a pretty neat prize separated from all the Cube business, but after all that buildup? I think Castle Vidcons said it best. Read more…



Arrested Development Season 4 Now Up on Netflix

Posted by Ben Huber on May 26, 2013 in Television


Well? What are you waiting for? I mean, you have been waiting several years for this moment, right? Celebrate this Memorial Day weekend and go watch all the new episodes of Arrested Development, now on Netflix. The biggest mistake has finally been unmade. Don’t let me ever hear you say miracles can’t happen. If you can’t log on to Netflix right away, check below for some clips of the new season to give you a short taste. Now get out there and enjoy things. Read more…

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Bungie’s Destiny Trailer Directed by Jon Favreau

Posted by Ben Huber on May 26, 2013 in Videogames


Sometimes you sit down, relaxing, just taking a break from the hectic speeds of life, and suddenly in the void, a thought pops into your head: what’s Jon Favreau doing? I know, right? He didn’t direct Iron Man 3 so what has he been up to? We all ask ourselves that every once in a while. Well, apparently Jon has been up to quite a few things, one of which is a live-action trailer for Bungie’s upcoming space shooter MMO called Destiny. Not really interested? That’s fine. What if I told you Giancarlo Esposito was in it? Now, don’t all go clicking through at once. There’s plenty of trailer for everyone. Read more…

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Nintendo Begins “Crowdfarter” for Game & Wario

Posted by Ben Huber on May 25, 2013 in Videogames


The last person I expected to be making a crowdfunding and Kickstarter joke would be Nintendo… but here we are! To promote the upcoming Wii U game called Game & Wario, the Big N has set up a faux-crowdfunding site called Crowdfarter, written entirely in the character of Wario. That is either hilarious or annoying, depending on your opinion of Wario. You donate not with cash, but tweets or likes. As they receive more, various goodies like wallpapers or ringtones will unlock. I’m not sure how many people will spam their friends with Wario tweets for a Wario ringtone, but this has made me take a look at Game & Wario – and it looks like more Warioware goodness, so I’m definitely interested now. Read more…

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LEGO Builds Largest Model Ever: A Life-Size X-Wing

Posted by Ben Huber on May 25, 2013 in Hobbies and Collections, Star Wars


Yes, the biggest LEGO model ever made. LEGO really went all-out here, and put together an absolutely massive, 44 foot wingspan, 11 foot height, 5 million brick model. It took 32 LEGO Master Builders over 17,000 hours to complete. And it’s now in Times Square for everyone to see (and even sit in!). LEGO hasn’t said how long the model will be in Times Square (only that “this summer” it will be moved to LEGOLAND California), but I assume it will at least be there till May 29th for the premier of The Yoda Chronicles. I imagine this is the coolest thing ever for many kids, so I hope this stays around for a while. Check out more images below and also read The Brothers Brick write-up of the effort that went into building it! Read more…

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Star Trek Into Darkness Had a Deleted Cumberbatch Shower Scene

Posted by Ben Huber on May 24, 2013 in Cinema, Star Trek


Recently there were a few complaints about Alice Eve’s scene in Star Trek Into Darkness, in which she abruptly shows up in her underwear. Conan didn’t have any complaints about it, but J.J. Abrams went on his show to assuage any concerns about it, and also show off a deleted scene from the film in which the UNTITLED VILLAIN, Benedict Cumberbatch, takes a shower. I know he’s very popular with the ladies out there, so I’m a little surprised they cut this, but you can get a glimpse of his very angry shower below. Conan takes the liberty of adding his own musical choice over it, as well. Read more…



Trailer Party: The World’s End and Man of Steel

Posted by Ben Huber on May 24, 2013 in Cinema


We’re in the thick of the summer movie season, so trailers are getting pumped out left and right. First up is Edgar Wright’s The World’s End, the third film in his Cornetto “trilogy,” featuring a group of buddies returning to their old hometown and re-visit all their pubs – but it seems their entire town has been replaced by robots. Kind of annoying when that happens, isn’t it? Also up is Man of Steel’s latest (possibly final?) trailer, which shines a lot of light on the story and characters, making it much more clear where they’re going with the film. If you were on the fence about it, this trailer will probably push you onto one side or the other. Check them both out below. Read more…

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Japanese Latte Artist Puts Anime Characters In Coffee

Posted by Bob Muir on May 23, 2013 in Anime

Coffee - Sailor Moon

Sailor…Moon…in the coffee! If a barista is talented enough, they can make some intricate designs in your morning latte. One Japanese latte artist is using toothpicks, chocolate syrup and cocktail syrup to draw anime characters in coffee. Going by the name Sugi on Twitter, the artist hand-draws two or three cups a day. She only started working on latte art last April, but she has already done over 800 cups! Read more…

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A Humorous Summary Of Microsoft’s Xbox One Reveal

Posted by Bob Muir on May 23, 2013 in Videogames

Xbox One VCR

I covered the major details of Microsoft’s Xbox One reveal, but what does the internet think of it? Hardcore gamers are almost unanimous in their disapproval, but nothing provides commentary quite like the original presentation itself. No, I’m not going to link the full presentation, but two user-edited videos sums up the system Microsoft is trying to sell. Read more…

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Microsoft Reveals Xbox One, Their Next Videogame Console

Posted by Bob Muir on May 22, 2013 in Videogames

Xbox One group shot

Yesterday Microsoft finally spilled the beans — well, a little at least — on their next videogame console: the Xbox One. I hesitate to call it that though, because going by their presentation, it seems more geared as an entertainment system than a machine that focuses on games. The “one” in the name refers to how it’s an all-in-one media experience, which is not surprising. Going by how much Microsoft has been pushing and expanding the non-gaming applications of the Xbox 360, this seems like a natural extension. I’m just not sure it’s a good One. Read more…

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BioShock Infinite Gets A More Upbeat Fan-Made Ending

Posted by Bob Muir on May 22, 2013 in Fandom, Videogames

Keeping Up with the Comstocks

It should go without saying, but this alternate ending to the critically-acclaimed BioShock Infinite is full of spoilers. I’m not even mentioning the title of this video, as it could contain spoilers. I only just finished the game last week, and I’d have been very upset if I saw this. Needless to say though, it’s an interesting take on how differently it could have ended, taking inspiration from The Office and mixing it with a slightly more fast-paced brand of internet humor. Anyone who has completed the game will enjoy seeing the characters in a more relaxed, parodic context. Read more…



Batman: Arkham Origins Features Deathstroke And Black Mask In First Trailer

Posted by Bob Muir on May 21, 2013 in Comic Books, Videogames

Batman: Arkham Origins fighting

If you remember the first trailer for Batman: Arkham City, the 2011 sequel that took gaming by storm, you’ll remember that it was just a long, highly-rendered cutscene. Though not as ridiculously detailed as that one, the first trailer for this fall’s prequel Batman: Arkham Origins is in the same vein, showing a younger Batman fighting Deathstroke and other assassins on Christmas Eve before coming face-to-face with primary antagonist Black Mask. Read more…

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Heaven Or Hell! Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN- Announced

Posted by Bob Muir on May 21, 2013 in Videogames

Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN-

Like many fighting game developers, Arc System Works loves updating its games instead of putting out sequels. Guilty Gear XX — what you could say was the third major installment of the series — was released in 2002. Since then, it’s been updated with Guilty Gear XX #Reload (2003), Slash (2005), Accent Core (2006), Accent Core Plus (2008), and most recently Accent Core Plus R (2012). Part of this was due to weird rights issues that prevented them from making a new game, which led to the spiritual successor BlazBlue (and its various updates). But after over a decade, Arc System Works is finally putting out a new major sequel: Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN-. Read more…



See How the UI of Star Trek Into Darkness Was Made

Posted by Ben Huber on May 20, 2013 in Design, Star Trek


I love behind-the-scenes articles and seeing how things were made for the movies we enjoy, so this great interview by Inventing Interactive with Jorge Almeida about the UI design process in Star Trek Into Darkness is right up my alley. Jorge goes into detail about how he and his team worked on the UI and graphics that the Enterprise crew would be interacting with. My favorite bit it when they talk about the space jump sequence, and the heads-up display used there. If you love those kinds of details this is a fun read. Check out some more concepts below and read the interview here. Read more…

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