Batman Movie Reboot May Come Before Justice League Movie
Since Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy is finished, Warner Brothers needs to take the Batman franchise in a new direction, and that means a reboot. The previous plan was to introduce a new Batman in the upcoming Justice League movie, which itself will be shaped by the success of Zack Snyder’s Superman movie Man of Steel. But now, things are uncertain, and we me see a new solo Batman film even sooner.
Supposedly, the current Justice League script has been scrapped, and since that will make it harder to get a good director to sign on, the movie may be delayed. If that happens, it couldn’t be pitted against Marvel’s The Avengers 2, which means that the film risks being rushed. Warner Brothers doesn’t want another debacle like Green Lantern on their hands, so they’re considering delaying it even further. And if that’s the case, they want to move up the Batman reboot.
Obviously, if Man of Steel does great and Warner Brothers can spin it into a new Dark Knight-esque trilogy, the Batman reboot will go on hold, not being seen until 2019, which I feel is a great idea that gives the public time to move on from Nolan’s vision. Warner Brothers can then take it’s time with Justice League, which is otherwise in danger of getting fully canceled.
But if Man of Steel bombs…well, the Batman reboot will likely get bumped up, and who knows what will happen to Justice League. Even if I prefer the team dynamics of the Avengers members to those in the Justice League, I’m always a fan of crossovers, and it would be a shame to see the movie scuttled.
Source: Den of Geek