Macross’ VF-1 Valkyrie Meets Lego

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Feb 2, 2012 in Animation, Hobbies and Collections |

This Lego Cuusoo project has been around for awhile, but has remained a bit of a hidden gem. Cuusoo user MaxVF1 threw together these amazing VF-1 Valkyries — or Veritechs depending on your preference — in hopes of convincing Lego to license them for retail. As you can see from the video above, they’re pretty easy to snap together and make pretty good display models. They even let you shift between gear-walk, battloid, and fighter modes with ease. The problem, at least from Lego’s standpoint, is that they appear a bit fragile. Of course, that issue alone is just one of many hurdles to overcome.

As far as I’m aware, retail distribution of products related to the original Macross would still have to include Harmony Gold’s permission. Before that even happens, there needs to be at least 10,000 supporters backing the project, only then would Lego even consider it. If you want to see these happen, be a pal and lend your support by visiting the Cuusoo page and giving it your vote. There are some more photos of the various models included as well.

Macross Lego VF-1 Valkyries title

Macross Lego VF-1 Valkyries 2

Macross Lego VF-1 Valkyries 1

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