Posted by Michael Sacco on Jul 31, 2011 in Comic Books
Jack Kirby was responsible for the creation of dozens of characters in the Marvel universe, from the Fantastic Four to Thor to Spider-Man. While his style and creations are as close to immortal as you can get in comic books, the sadly-mortal Kirby died in 1996. His heirs, though, are very much alive, and have been attempting to wrestle the rights to his characters back from Marvel. Marvel claims that any of Kirby’s work was done as “work for hire,” meaning that the company owns whatever he created during his tenure. And a judge agrees — the case was decided in Marvel’s favor. Kirby’s heirs have vowed to fight the ruling, but the judge implied that there was no real evidence in their favor, so their chances of success are pretty dubious at this point.
If you’re a fan of good comic-book cinema, then, well, you probably aren’t a very big fan of Ghost Rider. You may or may not tangentially aware, then, that there’s a new Ghost Rider movie coming from Brian Taylor and Mark Neveldine, the creators of the ridiculously over-the-top Crank. Titled Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance, it’s said to be a new take on the character, far different from the first film, despite starring the perpetually financially-troubled star of the first film, Nicolas Cage. “We didn’t really consider the first film at all while making this,” Taylor said in an interview with Collider. Let’s hope so! Ghost Rider’s appearance in the upcoming console fighting game Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is no doubt tied to the resurfacing of the film franchise (if you can call it that), so perhaps that can drum up some good will from the public at large. And at least we know that a film by Taylor and Neveldine will be completely insane, if nothing else. Read more…
Posted by Michael Sacco on Jul 29, 2011 in Comic Books
This is a secondhand story to this photo I can’t really verify, but I thought the implications were too adorable not to share. Wandering a comic-book convention, a young boy gets separated from his dad in the crowd. Scared, he goes to the two people who could definitely help him out: the Flash and Wonder Woman. Sure, the photo seems conveniently snapped, but if it’s true, it really does speak to the feeling of good will behind most conventions. As a commenter on the image said, “99% of the people in costume at conventions like this are the nicest, most considerate people you’ll ever meet.” Because, after all, if you can’t trust the Justice League, who can you trust? Read more…
Reports from several sites are indicating that we be seeing Star Trek: The Next Generation in full HD by the end of the year. Not the full series mind you, but a special remastered “Best of” Blu-ray with only four episodes. The report also suggests that the set, serving as a test of sorts, could be followed by the entire series as early as next year. Early speculation led many to believe that remastering the series would be infeasible due to the number of special effects shots necessary to complete the project and attempting to do so would be costly. Also, if any of you remember how terrible the first two seasons were, then you’ll know they have their work cut out for them. Still, if there’s a clear demand, and I’m sure there is, CBS could easily fund it. No word yet on how they plan on distributing the “Best of” set, but we’ll keep you posted on any new developments regarding the project.
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jul 28, 2011 in Videogames
Bioware recently launched it’s first Facebook game, Dragon Age Legends — a game they claim is the first real game to grace the social network. I’m not really sure how accurate that statement is. I suppose they could mean its the first one to fall outside the realm of casual gaming, but I know some people who take their Farmville pretty seriously. Any way, here’s the launch trailer. Personally, I don’t find myself really impressed with the visuals but then again, I shouldn’t complain too much. The game is free, after all. Features include multiplayer with friends, a full RPG leveling system and character customization. If you want to give it a go, head over to the official Facebook page for more info.
It still seems like half a year away, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get a jump start on your Christmas gifts. Like most of you, I usually don’t bother buying calendars until the holidays, and even then, I’m usually not the one I’m buying it for. This year will be different, however. Pocket Books just released their 2012 Star Trek Ships of the Line calendar. For just $15, the calendar comes packed numerous pieces of art depicting various starships against the lush backdrops of space, nebulae and even in the midst of battle. Each piece is displayed horizontally, and in a panoramic format allowing you to truly appreciate the art for what it is. The only drawback, at least from what I can tell, is that you might have some issues writing down your appointments on there. Then again, isn’t that what your Google Calendar or precious smart phone’s for? If you can’t wait, head over to the official Star Trek online store and pick yours up today.
It’s rare to find myself excited about a new anime series that hasn’t even aired yet. Perhaps I’m just a bit jaded, but so many new shows air each season that it can be hard to stand out. Fortunately, Persona 4 is the exception. Sharing both name and plot with the game its based on, Persona 4: The Animation seems to be shaping up rather nicely. Fans will likely appreciate the attention to detail, while new viewers will likely fall in love with the characters and story that made the game a hit. With that in mind, I wouldn’t be surprised to see Aniplex bring the series stateside sooner rather than later. I still have my hopes up for a simulcast when it airs in Japan later this Fall. Until then, they’ve given us this nifty trailer to sink our teeth into. Any of you as excited as I am?
As any fanboy can tell you, it’s always fun to speculate about the future of our favorite franchises. Today, I’ve decided to take a look at Marvel’s — specifically The Avengers. I’m sure some of you are probably wondering why I’d even bother when they haven’t even released the first film. That’s true, they haven’t. On the other hand, Marvel’s shown that they often plan their films well in advance. This is fairly evident when you look at 2008’s Iron Man, and The Incredible Hulk. Obviously we wouldn’t be able to nail down a plot for the film — that much will remain up in the air. Instead I wonder if we’ll be seeing any cameos from the Marvel’s universe. With an estimated budget of $150,000,000, there’s a chance we’ll get one. Here’s a quick list of candidates we’d like to see.
This summer, Funimation Channel launched a viral campaign encouraging anime fans to contact their local cable providers to request Funimation’s 24-hour cable network. At last month’s Anime Expo in Los Angeles, I noticed they were even handing out gifts to con-goers who made the call in front of them. It might seem a bit cheap, but the cause is just. It’s a fact that Cable companies won’t bat an eye unless they see a reasonable demand for a service. I admit I like their approach, but unfortunately I find myself questioning how effective this method could be. According to one spokesperson for the company, several cable providers had reached a point where they were simply hanging up on the callers during the convention. On top of that, how impressive could a weekend of calls really be? If you really want to do your part, I suggest everyone actually take the time to call your local cable providers and make the request at your own leisure. It stands to reason that a steady demand would look far more impressive than a proverbial flash-mob. Don’t you agree?
The first trailer for Jim Hensons’ Muppets return ot the big screen— which starts out looking like a romantic comedy before revealing the inclusion of the cloth characters — was pretty cute. But it doesn’t compare in the least to the newest trailer, in which the Muppets take on superheroes in a big way…especially Green Lantern (and a little bit of Batman, if you squint).
But that’s just the above trailer. Hit the jump to see who the Muppets will challenge next…in poster form! Read more…
There is more to see and do at Comic-Con International than any blogger can cram into a single post, so here are just a handful of highlights spotted around the show— and they barely scratch the surface! (What can I say? I had panels to attend and swag to grab!) Read more…
Posted by Linda Yau on Jul 25, 2011 in Comic Books
In the past one of the problems with ebook readers is that it’s difficult to read small text, and this has made it difficult to read graphic novels from the print world. However today with the iPad and similar devices new worlds have opened up for graphic novels fans. Many established companies like Viz and Dark Horse have jumped onto this bandwagon, but now outsider companies from abroad are joining these ranks. Read more…
Marvel’s film universe is working out pretty well for them, with all of the Avengers setup films released and the team-up flick ready to go for 2012, but Marvel’s not getting complacent. They’re ready to go after another media format: television! Marvel Television head Jeph Loeb confirmed at San Diego Comic-Con that four live-action shows are currently in development: The Hulk, AKA Jessica Jones (otherwise known as Alias), Cloak & Dagger, and Mockingbird. Imprint fans will be happy to know that Luke Cage and Carol Danvers will indeed be making appearances in AKA Jessica Jones. But wait! There’s more! There’s also new Marvel animation hitting the small screen, like Ultimate Spider-Man, an animated version of Joss Whedon’s well-received run on Astonishing X-Men, and a Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H series. That last one will have pretty much every Hulk permutation imaginable, from Red Hulk to She-Hulk, all on the same team. Whole lotta smashin’ goin’ on. Read more…
Futurama is definitely a rare breed of television show, in that it survived cancellation and returned to the airwaves as a great success. What makes it even more amazing, of course, is that it had been canceled for seven years. After its wildly popular comeback season, Fox granted the show another year on the air, and as of right now, interest in the show shows no sign of petering off. In fact, Fox announced at San Diego Comic-Con today that Futurama was renewed for not one, but two more seasons. It’s heartening to know that in an age of brilliant shows canceled before their time, a show like Futurama can succeed and even thrive. Read more…
Steven Spielberg is responsible for many great films in the past few decades, but my generation probably has a standout favorite among them: the film adaptation of Michael Crichton’s Jurassic Park. We got a sequel in 1997’s The Lost World, which was a box office success, if not a critical one. The Rocketeer‘s Joe Johnston then brought us the troubled Jurassic Park III, which is most people’s least favorite entry into the series. But there’s good news for series fans — Spielberg himself announced at San Diego Comic-Con this weekend that he’s developing a fourth film for the series himself, and it could be coming in as few as two years. “We have a story,” he says. “We have a writer who is writing the treatment and hopefully we are going to make Jurassic Park 4 in all of our foreseeable futures, hopefully in the next two or three years.” The sooner the better, Steve! Do you think this one will have dinosaurs in it? I’m hopeful. Read more…
Two intergalactic peacekeeper groups that taste great together! IDW Comics announced at San Diego Comic-Con that they’ll be producing a six-issue limited comic book series in which the crew of the USS Enterprise and the Legion of Superheroes work together to battle a common threat. Honestly, I don’t know that much about the Legion, but it’s no small wonder that this has never happened before. Of all of the planets the Enterprise crew has beamed aboard, you’d think one of them would have been the home base of a bunch of dudes and ladies wearing capes and firing energy blasts, or eating matter, or something. Those eager to see which superhero Kirk seduces (my money’s on the Charlie’s Angels-lookin’ gal) can buy the first issue of the series in November. Read more…
Marvel vs. Capcom 3 isn’t even a year old, but Capcom has already announced its value-priced followup, Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3. Besides gameplay tweaks like new moves for current fighters and a direly-needed spectator system for online matches, Marvel and Capcom have also added a dozen new (and bizarre, in some cases) fighters to the fray. The original announcement showed Hawkeye and Ghost Rider for the Marvel side, with Firebrand and MvC fan-favorite Strider Hiryu repping Capcom. A accidental leak from the Capcom website, however, revealed the entire list of new brawlers, relieving us of the suspense of several months of slow-drip character reveals. Marvel fans can now also look forward to playing as Doctor Strange, Iron Fist, Nova, and Rocket Raccoon (?!); Capcom fans get their pick of Dead Rising‘s Frank West, Resident Evil 3‘s Nemesis, Dante’s brother Vergil from Devil May Cry, and Phoenix Wright (?!). See what I mean about bizarre? Mega Man fans reeling from the cancellation of Mega Man Legends 3 will no doubt be disappointed that the Blue Bomber is skipping this iteration of the fighting game yet again. UMvC3 is slated for release in November of this year, with an MSRP of $39.99. Read more…
While wandering San Diego Comic-Con’s exhibit hall during their preview night, a friend of mine passed along this preview sketch for Kotobukiya’s Liara T’Soni Bishoujo figure. I know that when I had dealt with Kotobukiya in the past, they had asked me, along with several of my colleagues, which games they should look at licensing. Pretty much everything we listed had been developed in Japan and would have easily lent itself to Shunya Yamashita’s bishoujo treatment. I was half-expecting to see them give us a license like Bayonetta, Persona 4 or Cathrine, but I would have never guessed that they’d manage to give us something from Mass Effect. Consider my mind officially blown. I really do love these bishoujo figures, but at $65 a pop, it’s hard to keep up. In fact, I was having trouble keeping up with it when they were just doing Marvel figures. By the time they decided to start doing DC Comics I pretty much gave up all hope of collecting them all. One thing I do know for certain is that I will gladly spill my wallet for Liara here. Now, if only they’ll make Miranda. I suppose time will tell. Also, if you’re visiting SDCC, stop by their booth and let them know what you think. Believe it or not, Kotobukiya listens to its customers, even international ones.
Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jul 21, 2011 in Videogames
Just a day ago, Activision announced their upcoming title GoldenEye 007 Reloaded for the Xbox 360, PS3 and Wii. If you don’t count 2004’s GoldenEye: Rogue Agent — and most people wouldn’t — this would mark the first time an official GoldenEye title will be appearing on a non-Nintendo console. It’s sort of a big deal, I suppose, but will fans of the original really enjoy this new title? At Activision’s Comic-Con showcase, I had a chance to play a pre-alpha build of the title and while it still had its issues it was actually quite fun. The only problem? It really didn’t feel like GoldenEye. Sure, they had Bond — in this case, Daniel Craig — and the setting was spot on, but the game literally played like Call of Duty. In fact, I over heard several journalists jokingly referring to it as Call of Duty: 007, or GoldenEye: Modern Warfare. While I couldn’t get anyone to confirm that the game used the Modern Warfare engine, every element led me to that conclusion. In fact, the in-game HUD looked spot on, with indicators for thrown grenades, location of the mini-map, and obligatory blood splatters filling the screen. Even the button mapping was exactly the same, leading me to believe that Activision seems to be under the impression that they’ve stumbled on a winning formula and simply don’t want to let it go. Suffice to say, if you’re a fan of the Call of Duty franchise, and the Modern Warfare series in particularly, you’ll probably love this. No word on an official release date, but I’m looking forward to seeing how development progresses in the months to come.
Posted by Michael Pinto on Jul 20, 2011 in Pulp Fiction
Author Tim Maughan has just released a new collection of science fiction short stories titled Paintwork. The stories have a wonderful range of interesting characters from augmented reality street artists to two young Cubans caught up in video game tournament which turns out to be much more than that. The book is available at Amazon in the US and Amazon in the UK and at Smashwords.
I’m still a little sad that I haven’t had a chance to catch an episode of Puella Magi Madoka Magica. Last season, the show managed to garner quite the following and it wasn’t long before Aniplex decided to license the series for international distribution. On top of that, I had to deal with all my friends talking my ear off about the series despite the fact that they were totally spoiling it for me. Nevertheless, I’m still hoping to squeeze it in before the end of the summer and it helps that the show’s not-so-lovable mascot of sorts happens to be absolutely adorable. I’ve been seeing that wish-granting Kyubei all over the place since the series aired, but nothing I’ve come across looks as awesome as this giant vinyl replica — in fact, it’s made to scale. Japan’s largest figure trade show Wonfes is right around the corner, and lucky attendees will be able to pick one up while they’re there, but if you can’t make it, you might be able to score one online by following the instructions of Good Smile’s official website. From what I gather, it’ll retail for roughly $125 before shipping. It’s a bit pricey, but I think in this case, the ends justify the means.
Last night, we posted the teaser for Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight Rising. Though I’m excited for the film, it’s not the only Batman title I’m looking forward to. Later this year, Warner Brothers and Rocksteady Games will be releasing their long-awaited sequel to 2009’s Arkham Asylum, titled Batman: Arkham City. The sequel features a larger cast of villains, larger areas, tougher puzzels, and even the ability to play as Catwoman and Robin for portions of the game. What’s more, Warner Brothers just released the details for their special collector’s edition. In addition to the game, the $99 set will include a custom Batman statue from Kotobukiya, a collectible Arkham City art book, access to the Iceberg Lounge challenge map, a unique Batman: The Dark Knight Returns in-game skin, an official soundtrack, collectible cards, and finally a copy of the Gotham Knight anime which, if you recall, was produced by some of the same studios who worked on The Animatrix — though, I’m told it’s much better than that.
On the night that Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 opened, several cohorts and I picked our way through the be-spectacled and be-robed fans lining up for back-to-back showings of Part 1 and 2 and made our way into another theater in the back of the megaplex. We settled in, watched some previews, and then sat through a film that was actively painful to watch.
Those of you who waded through lines last weekend to catch the final installment of Harry Potter were treated to several nifty little teasers. While we’re still waiting for Marvel to officially post their teaser for The Avengers — though, I’m sure we’ll probably get a decent leak later this week with Comic-Con happening — Warner Brothers have posted the teaser for Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight Rises on Facebook. Although it’s brief enough, the final film in the series looks as though it’ll focus heavily on Batman’s battle with Bane in a scene that’s very reminiscent of the graphic novel Batman:Knightfall — not to spoil the film or anything. That said, I’m really looking to seeing how Nolan intends on wrapping the series up, and I have to admit that I’m a little sad that it’s over so soon. At least we can all rest assured knowing that Joel Schumacher won’t ever touch our beloved franchise ever again.