Square Enix PSN Releases Not Happening After All

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Sep 20, 2011 in Videogames

Sony Square Enix apology

Yesterday, we reported that Square Enix had planned on releasing both Final Fantasy VI and Chrono Trigger via PlayStation Network this week. I was kind of excited about the news, but seeing as I own several copies of each game, I probably wouldn’t have been purchasing another. As it turns out, it won’t matter just yet. In a tweet earlier today, Sony apologized for misleading everyone as neither game will be released this week. Of course, Sony didn’t exactly deny that the games could still be on their way, so there’s a chance we could be seeing them posted in the future — possibly sooner, rather than later. It’s a shame really, as I’m sure there are some of you who could probably use another copy to play on the go. On the bright side, many of the Square Enix PSP titles featured on PlayStation Network, such as Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions and The Third Birthday, have received significant price cuts in the last few months.

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K-On! The Movie Official Trailer

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Sep 19, 2011 in Animation, Cinema

I’ve never been fond of K-ON! Not because it’s insanely popular, because it really is, but rather because I found it incredibly mindless. I hesitate to label it a “slice of life” series since it seems to have an actual plot as opposed to something like Azumanga Daioh. However, I would constantly find myself questioning the point of each episode. I found some of the characters, Ritsu in particular, to be far too annoying for my tastes. That said, I know there are a lot of you who loved series to death, so if you haven’t already, I’m sure you’ll be excited to see the trailer for upcoming animated film. It was announced early last year but this is the first real trailer to be released. The film will hit Japanese theaters later this year.

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Square Enix Classics Hitting PSN This Week

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Sep 19, 2011 in Videogames

Chrono Trigger PSOne Cover

It’s going to be an exciting week for RPG fanatics, as Square Enix will be releasing both Final Fantasy VI and Chrono Trigger via PlayStation Network. I imagine both titles will be the PSOne ports, so you can expect some annoying load times. At least they’ll have some of those fancy CG cut-scenes. On top of that, they’ll be a great for anyone who plans on purchasing a PSVita next year. Speaking of which, if any of you are curious, the Vita will be region free, so importing one early might be an option. My only hang up there is that you won’t be able to get a 3G model unless you wait since I don’t think AT&T will set up their Vita service by the time the handheld hits the Japanese market. Still, since the handheld will rely heavily on digital distribution, purchasing some games ahead of time might be worthwhile. Both titles should be available this Tuesday, their price is still TBD.

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Heroes and Villains, by the Colors

Posted by Michael Sacco on Sep 18, 2011 in Comic Books

Hero/Villain color infographic

Superhero costumes are in the public eye lately, with the summer blockbuster season being filled with superhero movies and DC relaunching almost all of their superhero books. Colour Lovers examined a huge number of hero and villain costumes and analyzed the colors used in them to develop a really neat infographic. It’s way too long to post the whole thing here, so check out the mammoth image over at Colour Lovers. I think the reason why green is often used for “unnatural” or evil character is that it’s often a complementary color to skin tone, by the way. Read more…


Source Code Jumping to TV

Posted by Michael Sacco on Sep 17, 2011 in Television

Source Code

Duncan Jones’ second sci-fi film, the actually-excellent Source Code, was a sleeper hit in theaters this year. Now, it appears that CBS is trying to bring some of that appeal to the small screen with a TV series based on the film. The series will reportedly follow three former federal agents who take advantage of “Source Code” tech to try to unravel the mysteries behind tragic events by jumping into the consciousness of people caught in them. Mark Gordon will serve as producer, and Lie to Me and Lost scribe Steve Maeda is set to write the pilot. I get the feeling we’ll be hearing the phrase “I liked this show better when it was called Quantum Leap” a lot in the next year or so. Read more…



Evil Dead Remake is Ashless

Posted by Michael Sacco on Sep 16, 2011 in Cinema

Evil Dead

Besides Sam Raimi’s increasingly bizarre direction, the main thing people watch Evil Dead for is its star, Ash, played by the inimitable Bruce Campbell. But the long-rumored Evil Dead remake (which I guess technically isn’t a rumor anymore), written by Juno‘s Diablo Cody, apparently won’t have Ash in it at all! Slashfilm broke the news with tweets from Campbell that Ash would not be featured in the film but that everyone involved was quite happy with how the film was shaping up. A different direction, no doubt. But what king will we hail now?! Read more…



Sideshow’s Slick Boba Fett Exclusive

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Sep 15, 2011 in Hobbies and Collections, Star Wars

Sideshow Collectibles 12" Boba Fett

Our favorite Mandalorian bounty hunter is back with this 12-inch exclusive from Sideshow Collectibles. Back in 2007, Medicom released a similar limited edition Boba Fett and while that figure sold exceptionally well, it’s become rather difficult to come by. Thankfully, this upcoming Sideshow exclusive may ease the pain by giving us a welcome alternative. Not only is it an adequate replacement, but the figure might even be more detailed than its Medicom predecessor. For example, his armor seems to be properly distressed, while his pants feature that dirt-stained look for added realism. It also seems to pose well in case you’re fond of photography.

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TNG Blu-Ray Sampler Set for December

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Sep 15, 2011 in Star Trek

Star Trek: The Next Generation

The other month we mentioned the possibility of a Star Trek: The Next Generation HD sampler disc releasing later this year. The report claimed the sampler would feature four remastered episodes, and could be used to gauge consumer interest — as if it wouldn’t sell, right? Well, it’s not just a rumor anymore. LeVar Burton recently confirmed that the project was indeed a reality via twitter. In addition, several details have come to light regarding the upcoming project. The sampler, which may be officially announced on the show’s anniversary later this month, is set for release “on or around 12/6,” and may feature the series premiere Encounter at Farpoint. I suppose we can’t complain too much with that choice, but I would have much rather had any other episode from season 3 onwards — Best of Both Worlds, anybody?

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Back in Black With Magic 2012

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Sep 14, 2011 in Hobbies and Collections, Videogames

Magic the Gathering 2012 Expansion 1

Earlier today, Wizards of the Coast launched the first official expansion for Magic the Gathering: Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012. The expansion adds three new planeswalkers to choose from, including the much anticipated return of Liliana Vess and her “Grave Whispers” deck. Others include Ajani Goldmine’s “Auramancer” deck, and Ral Zarek’s “Cloudburst” deck, neither of which I’m familiar with. Still, I can’t wait to see what surprises they have in store for us. In addition to the new decks, the expansion will add four additional cards to the existing decks, additional challenges and campaign levels, the ability to play as the archenemy in the 3 vs 1 battles, and six preview cards from the upcoming Innistrad expansion. Quite a deal, don’t you think? The expansion retails for  ~$5 on both the PS3 and Xbox 360, but PC users can get a %40-50 discount if they purchase the expansion or game via Steam right now.

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Abrams Returns For Star Trek 2; Script Still Unfinished

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Sep 14, 2011 in Cinema, Star Trek

Star Trek XI cast

For those of you who’ve been holding your breath, it’s official. J.J. Abrams will be returning to direct the next Star Trek film. With so many projects on his plate, there had been speculation as to whether or not Abrams would find time to direct the picture. However, it seems the film’s numerous delays may have been a blessing in disguise, allowing him an opportunity to squeeze the sequel into his busy schedule. Unfortunately, the script still isn’t finished but should be ready by the end of the month. Assuming production starts this winter, the film may be finished in time for a December 2012 release, but with the crowded holiday market, Summer of 2013 is looking far more likely. It’s been a long wait, but I’m sure it’ll be worth it — besides, that cast could only get better with age.

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Japanese Ducks Can Sell Me Anything

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Sep 13, 2011 in Japanese TV, Television

So can cats for that matter. That’s why I’ve fallen in love with Afflack’s Japanese commercials. Admittedly, I’ve been obsessed with them ever since I stumbled across their original “Maneki Neko Dakku” CM months back. Something about a dancing cat and duck makes me swoon every time I see it. It helps that the song is really cute and catchy as well. In fact, it was so catchy that the company released a full version of it complete with a music video. While I’m sure these ads would probably flop in the US, it’s amazing to see how it has caught on in Japan. The latest commercials feature ARASHI’s Sho Sakurai and idol/actress Aoi Miyazaki playing a duet on an organ while the duck and cat join in. It’s terribly cute, and will probably have children all over Japan begging their parents to switch their providers as a result. Then again, when it comes to Japan, cute is always chic.

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Notes From Nintendo’s Pre-TGS Press Conference

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Sep 13, 2011 in Videogames

Project Mirai

As I’m writing this, Nintendo is currently holding their 3DS Pre-TGS press conference to discuss some of their upcoming titles for their handheld platform. While everything is looking very impressive, its a shame that some of these amazing titles may never be localized. I fully expect to see games like Monster Hunter 4, or Super Mario 3D Land, make their way stateside, but the chances of the next Culdcept title making its way overseas remain slim to none.  I won’t give up hope, though and it’s nice to know that the console has a future, especially after the sub-par launch it experienced earlier this year. Aside from Monster Hunter, some of the more impressive looking titles included Mario Kart 7, Fire Emblem and the latest Hatsune Miku game, Project Mirai. I bet Danny Choo can’t wait to run a cross-promotion with that one.

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The Angry Birds Motion Comic Strikes Back!

Posted by Michael Pinto on Sep 12, 2011 in Videogames

The Angry Birds Motion Comic

We have an exclusive! The fans who put together the first known Angry Birds Motion Comic have followed up with a second video in the series: Read more…

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A Dog That Meows? Amazing

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Sep 12, 2011 in Japanese TV, Television

This is the most adorable thing I’ve seen all weekend. I’ve heard of cats that bark, but a dog that meows? First of all, I love Shiba Inus. Aside from simply being the cutest dogs on earth — debatable, sure, but I’m not about to concede on that — they always seem so friendly and peaceful. As soon as it started to meow in this clip, I just lost it. Apparently the puppy picked up the habit from his feline companion who you’ll see in some of those photos later in the video, but seeing as it does sound a little more like “nyan” than “meow,” I have to wonder if someone else was giving it lessons. For those who are curious or confused, “nyan,” is sort of the Japanese equivalent of “meow.” Nevertheless, it’s totally cute. Also, note the overly dramatic music and constant reaction shot from the host/celebrity guest of the week — god, I love Japanese television. Read more…

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Experience the Human Revolution on the Cheap

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Sep 12, 2011 in Videogames

Deus Ex Price Drop

For those of you who haven’t had a chance to pick up Deus Ex: Human Revolution yet, you’re in luck. Both Amazon and Gamestop have cut their price today. While it seems Gamestop may have permanently lowered its price to $44, Amazon is having a daily “sweet spot” special which you might be able to take advantage of if you’re quick about it — they’ve slashed $25 off and are only asking the low price of $34.99. For those of you who might not be so familiar with the title, Deus Ex is a first-person action-RPG set in a dystopian future where mankind has decided to experiment with cybernetic augmentation as a means of furthering our evolution. The game’s cyberpunk visuals reference films such as Blade Runner and Robocop, and really serve to  immerse you in the whole experience, while the gameplay gives you plenty of options to suit your tastes, be it stealth or action.  No matter which you choose, I promise you won’t be disappointed.

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My Little Ood: Friendship is Tragic

Posted by Michael Sacco on Sep 11, 2011 in Dr. Who, Television

My Little Ood by EatToast

My Little Pony is miraculously en vogue again. It’s almost like we’ve … traveled back in time, much like Amy and the Doctor routinely do! Clearly DeviantArt user EatToast has the right idea on how to celebrate such an amazing coincidence — by converting My Little Pony toys to horrific recreations of Doctor Who villains. This particular model is an Ood-pony, an ungulate version of the creepy aliens from that weird space-Hell episode from the tenth doctor’s run. He’s done a few more, too, including a Cyberman-pony and a Silence-pony. You know, come to think of it, doesn’t “brony” sound like the name of an alien race? Read more…

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Happy Anniversary, Star Trek. Here are Some Adorable Cookies

Posted by Michael Sacco on Sep 10, 2011 in Star Trek


45 years ago today, the very first episode of Star Trek aired on NBC! And what better way to celebrate four and a half decades of classic sci-fi than with ridiculously cute sugar cookies? Daria over at Bakingdom cooked these cookie crewmates up, and provided easy directions (and drool-worthy photos) for anyone who wants to play along at home. Too bad you can’t beam them into your kitchen! Just send a shuttlecraft to the grocery store. Star Trek joke. Happy anniversary, Star Trek. Read more…



Nike Brings Marty McFly’s Kicks Back From the Future

Posted by Michael Sacco on Sep 9, 2011 in Cinema

Nike Air MAG

If you’ve seen Back to the Future, and I don’t want to speak to you if you haven’t, then you must be acutely aware of Marty’s awesome Nikes from the future. Well, Nike agrees that they’re awesome, and they manufactured a pair of shoes identical to the ones featured in the movie, replete with lights and some sort of device to help your laces tighten. They’re called Nike Air MAGs, and they’re not available in your local Foot Locker — Nike has put them up for auction to raise money for Parkinson’s research through the Michael J. Fox Foundation. A total of 1500 pairs will hit eBay at 88 miles per hour over the next ten days, so if you want them, you’d better be prepared to sell everything but your Calvin Kleins to do it.
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Syfy Renews Something That Isn’t Wrestling

Posted by Michael Sacco on Sep 9, 2011 in Television

Alphas on Syfy

I know! It’s crazy, right? But we have definitive proof that Syfy has actually not cancelled a science-fiction television show. In fact, the news is even better — they’ve gone so far as to renew said science-fiction television show! The show in question is newcomer Alphas, which I’ve never seen but like anyway due to the presence of master actor David Strathairn. Perhaps this could be the dawn of a new era for Syfy, a programming era of unprecedented not-wrestling. We’ll see. Read more…

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Doctor Who x Lego; Brilliant!

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Sep 8, 2011 in Dr. Who, Hobbies and Collections

Doctor Who Eleven Doctors Minifigure Tardis Set

Not even the Doctor’s too old for Legos. Thanks to the guys at Entertainment Earth, even you can your favorite Timelord to the set of your choice.  While its not an official Lego product, these Doctor Who minifigures are fully compatible and come ready to join any set right out of the box. In addition to bearing the likeness of all eleven doctors, each comes with their own unique sonic screwdriver to match. Pretty sweet, right? On top of that, the box itself comes shaped like a Tardis, making it that much harder to throw away. I have a bad habit of keeping a boxes, but I imagine if every toy I came across were like that, I’d practically horde them. The Doctor Who Eleven Doctors mini-figure box set retails for $39.99 and is currently in stock, so go ahead and pick yours up today.

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Genki Rockets Take Aim at iTunes

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Sep 8, 2011 in Videogames

Genki Rockets II

I don’t often get a chance to write about music, but I thought it might be cool to mention that Genki Rockets has finally released their latest album Genki Rockets II ~ No Border Between Us via iTunes here in the US. The group is marketed as sort of a hybrid-band with multiple artists contributing musical tracks to the project, all of which are voiced by a fictional idol named Lumi. Not much is known about the actual work that goes into crafting each album, however two producers are known to be attached to it, namely Tetsuya Mizuguchi and Kenji Tamai. As some of you may already know, Mizuguchi is heavily involved with creating rhythm-based games like Lumines and  the recently released Children of Eden with both games featuring music by the band. I have yet to really sit down and listen to the new album, but I’m sure I’ll love every minute of it. If you’d like to hear some of their previous work, you should definitely check out the video for Heavenly Star — it’s rather stunning.

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Nothing is Sacred; Beetlejuice Reboot Could Happen

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Sep 7, 2011 in Cinema


Nobody should be surprised, but it looks as though Warner Brothers is currently considering a reboot Tim Burton’s comedy cult-classic, Beetlejuice —  it’s like they’re not even trying anymore. The studio recently signed a two-year deal with the KatzSmith production house and may be floating the film their way. Should that happen, Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter author and screenwriter Seth Grahame-Smith would likely end up penning the script. I still can’t imagine why they would want to reboot the franchise instead of writing a sequel, or even a prequel — it’s not as if the original wasn’t any good. Besides, it just wouldn’t be the same without Michael Keaton. The man did an amazing job selling the character and delivering a truly memorable performance. We already took Batman from him, do we really need to take Beetlejuice too?

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At Least Lucas Can’t Edit Your Books

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Sep 7, 2011 in Star Wars

Heir to the Empire 20th Anniversary Cover

I’m truly astounded by the number of changes that George Lucas has made to his films over the years. I understand that he believes the changes are in our best interests, but I’ve yet to see a positive reaction as a result. So, in an effort to block out the negativity surrounding the upcoming Blu-ray release, I’ve decided to pick up a book instead — namely, the special 20th anniversary hardcover edition of Timothy Zhan’s  Star Wars: Heir to the Empire. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the book, it’s the first in a trilogy, and picks up the story five years after the events of Return of the Jedi. With the New Republic in place, the remnants of the Empire reform under the banner of Grand Admiral Thrawn, a brilliant tactician with almost Machiavellian qualities. It’s a fantastic follow-up and would make great source material should someone ever decide to adapt them to film. The special edition comes with annotations by the author providing in-depth details about the plot and characters. No word on if it’ll see a digital release for Apple’s iBooks, but you’ll be able to get it for your Kindle.


Diamond Toys Gives the Next Generation a Mego-style Makeover

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Sep 6, 2011 in Hobbies and Collections, Star Trek

Captain Picard Mego-style Figure (close)

These are a bit of an acquired taste, but if you’re huge fan of Star Trek: The Next Generation, collect action figures, or grew up with those classic Mego figures from the 70s, you’re in luck. Next year marks the 25th anniversary of Star Trek: The Next Generation! To celebrate, Diamond Toys will be releasing a special line of Mego-inspired figures from the series. They won’t hit the market until winter 2012, but Trek.com has given us our first look. So far, all they’ve shown off Captain Picard and what looks like a random Borg drone, but I imagine there will be plenty more down the line. Each of these 8″ figures will come with real cloth costumes and should retail for $20 a piece. I don’t believe they’ll be a limited run, so you should be able to come across them at your local comic shops or through online retailers after they launch next year.

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