Spockulations; The Wrath of Robocop?

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Dec 6, 2011 in Cinema, Star Trek |

Mirror Spock

Today, Vulture published a report stating that Benicio Del Toro will not be appearing in J.J. Abrams’ upcoming Trek sequel after negotiations between the actor and studio broke down last Wednesday. However, it seems Peter Weller will be joining the cast — that’s right, Robocop in space. While it’s possible, albeit unlikely, that he had been cast in Del Toro’s place, Weller will probably play the role of the villain’s older companion, mentioned in previous reports. Of course, it wasn’t long before someone brought up the fact that Del Toro’s decision to walk happened to coincide with Abram’s recent affirmation that Khan wouldn’t be returning. I’m not sure why anyone would want to spark that rumor again, but sure, why not. We’ll play along.

Benicio Del Toro's Hair

With Del Toro out of the picture, who would play Khan?

That’s a great question and, assuming there’s a kernel of truth to the rumor, one worth asking. Del Toro certainly would have brought an aura of intense calm to the role, something Ricardo Montalbán had in spades. However, if I had to cast Khan, the last thing I’d want to do is run down my list of favorite Latin actors. Khan is supposed to Indian, so why not turn to Bollywood? Someone like Saif Ali Khan. Not only does he speak fluent English, but looks the part and even shares his namesake.


If not Khan, what’s this mean for the film?

Well, if they were looking for someone who could play a sly, and conniving Harry Mudd, the possibilities are endless. Especially if they had previously wanted Del Toro for the role. I’m convinced he would have made a great Harry Mudd, but then again, I find Del Toro to be one of the most versatile actors out there. If on the other hand, they were looking for a Klingon, well, I hear Michael Dorn never turns down the offer. I have to admit, your guess is probably as good as mine on this one. Who knows, maybe Abrams might surprise us after all. The Doctor, anyone? Yeah, I wish.

Star Trek vs Doctor Who

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