Yikes; Capcom’s Mega Man X iOS Port
Feast your eyes on this travesty. Its not often that I find a video with so many views and dislikes. Earlier today, TouchGameplay released some in-game footage from the upcoming iOS port of Mega Man X. Based on a previous mobile phone version of the title, the graphics have been enhanced, along with the addition of touch controls. Suffice to say, fans are not happy — many of whom have questioned Capcom’s definition of “enhanced.”
While the original sprites were a bit rough around the edges, they probably would have looked fine on any iOS device. Unfortunately labeling the changes as being only “slightly cosmetic” would be an understatement. The original title featured an open side-scrolling environment, without the need to between multiple screens. Now, the game will no longer scroll seamlessly and will shift whenever it deems necessary. On top of all that, the games visual effects just seem less impressive all around. The audio is seemingly intact, but that’s about it — the rest of it’s just… depressing.