Give Your Smartphone a Proper Gamepad

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Nov 2, 2011 in Tech, Videogames |


If you’re like me, and I imagine many of you are, you’ve loaded your smartphone with games. It’s a bit ironic, really. We spend hundreds of dollars on dedicated gaming handhelds and for whatever reason, some of us find our phones more appealing. There was a time when I might have scoffed at the notion that my phone would replace my DSi or PSP, but that’s simply no longer the case. While I can still count on a deep, involved, experience with one of those $30 to $40 titles, more often than not, I’ll pick up my phone for a quick game of whatever cheap thrill the app store has to offer. With hundreds of apps available for almost too reasonable price, determining which system gets my attention for the evening can be an easy decision. So, why not try to improve that experience? That’s where the iControlpad comes in.

Despite its not-so-original name, this nifty little control pad can connect with most of our favorite smartphones via Bluetooth in order to provide us that handheld gaming experience we’ve come to know and love. Not only does the pad work with almost any device that features Bluetooth connectivity, its universal holder fits most popular models such as iPhone 4, Samsung’s Galaxy 2S, the Blackberry Torch and more —  a full list is available on the site. While I imagine the compatibility might be greater for any Android-based device, its fully compatible with any iOS app featuring iCade emulation or dual nubs support. It’s also fully compatible with many of the emulators currently available for jailbroken devices.

The iControlpad currently retails for $69.99 via their official website, but the company is based out of England. If you’d rather order from a domestic storefront, ThinkGeek is also carrying the product for $74.99.

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