Your First Look at TV’s Wonder Woman

Posted by Michael Sacco on Mar 19, 2011 in Comic Books, Television

Wonder Woman

Yes, this Wonder Woman TV show thing is really happening. It’s happening so hard that Entertainment Weekly was able to release the above sneak peek at Adrienne Palicki in full Wonder Woman kit. I’m not really sure how I feel about it — Palicki is certainly lovely and statuesque, but something about the costume just seems off. Maybe it’s a little too shiny. Maybe it’s the fact that seeing an actress in the costume means the show, whose script failed to impress, is actually getting made, which is possibly the most distressing fact of all.
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Lend a Helping Hand to Japan

Posted by Michael Sacco on Mar 19, 2011 in Fandom

Bloggers for Japan

Japan is facing the worst crisis in its post-war history, and you can help! Bloggers whose work revolves around Japan have banded together to make Bloggers for Japan, a website dedicated to compiling resources and news for those who want to donate or stay abreast of new happenings related to the earthquake. The site recommends active charities like Doctors Without Borders and Shelterbox, and has donation boxes for each. Read more…

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The Wolverine Is Now Directorless

Posted by Michael Sacco on Mar 18, 2011 in Cinema, Comic Books

Darren Aronofsky

Director Darren Aronofsky is known for great award-season films like The Wrestler and Black Swan (and The Fountain if you like genre stuff), but he was also attached to a rather unorthodox project: a Wolverine reboot called, well, The Wolverine. At least until now, anyway. Citing the fact that the film’s schedule would keep him out of the country and away from his family for over a year, he decided to call it quits from the project. Fox insists they’re going to move forward with the project, though without Aronofsky the prospect of another Wolverine movie just doesn’t sound that great, if it ever did. Read more…

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Enjoy Science Without All That Pesky Context

Posted by Michael Sacco on Mar 18, 2011 in Science

Out of Context Science

Science has a lot of really cool (and weird) stuff to read about, but sometimes you have to wade through a lot of other words to find it! What a pain, right? Out of Context Science cuts all that out, giving you single sentences of science weirdness without all the work. Where else can you read the sentence ” The aim is for the robot to be able to propel itself in any fluid mucus without having to carry its own reserve of mucus along”? Besides the original paper it was in, anyway. I think this way is a lot better. Read more…


Buy Some iOS Games; Help Japan

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Mar 17, 2011 in Videogames

 Sonic 4 for iPhone

Both Capcom and Sega have announced plans to donate a portion of their profits to disaster relief efforts in Japan. For the rest of the week through Monday, Capcom has discounted the iOS version of Street Fighter 4 to just $0.99, and will donate all sales — this is in addition to the 100 million yen they’ve already contributed. Sega has also discounted all their Sonic the Hedgehog iOS titles, along with their Football Manager 2011 app, and are likewise offering all proceeds to disaster relief through Tuesday. For their part, Sega has already contributed 200 million yen to the Red Cross.

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Shatner Asked if Takei is a Giving Lover

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Mar 17, 2011 in Fandom, Star Trek

One of the girls from — fantastic site, by the way — caught this amazing video of William Shatner’s Q&A session at this years Emerald City Comiccon. An audience member asked Shatner if George Takei is a giving lover, and if he’s interested in men with beards. Shatner’s reply was priceless. It’s fairly common knowledge that Takei isn’t fond of his old co-star, but what amazes me is that Shatner still isn’t quite sure why. Takei, for his part, has mentioned plenty of reasons over the years.

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A Closer Look at Kotobukiya’s Ghosterbuster Lucy Bishoujo Figure

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Mar 16, 2011 in Cinema, Hobbies and Collections

 Kotobukiya Ghostbusters Lucy header

Initially Kotobukiya had limited their Bishoujo line to the Marvel license, featuring popular superheros and mutants like Rogue, Psylocke, and Black Widow. Eventually they expanded their offerings to include heroines from the DC universe, and now it seems like they’re taking it in a whole new direction. Several months ago, they debuted a sketch by artist Shunya Yamashita depicting an original character dressed in Ghostbusters attire. It had a few people scratching their heads since it appeared to be an original design, but shortly after, Kotobukiya confirmed the design is being produced as the latest entry in their Bishoujo line, “Ghostbusters Lucy.”  Amazing, right?

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Arkham City’s No Place For a Hero

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Mar 16, 2011 in Comic Books, Videogames

IGN’s given us the first good look at Batman: Arkham City, the follow-up to 2009’s critically acclaimed Arkham Asylum. Until now, we’ve only seen a live-action teaser introducing Dr.Hugo Strange, however this new trailer features quite a bit more. Not only do we get a glimpse at the actual gameplay, but we’ve been given our first look at Catwoman,  and Two-Face. I’m also pleased to see The Joker — Mark Hamil — making his return after having been the focus of the last game. In recent weeks the developer has stated that they’ve opted to avoid an online mode — a feature that has been heavily requested for whatever reason — in favor of focusing on the single player aspect, and making sure it’s nicely polished when the game hits stores later this year. Personally, I can’t wait.

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Square-Enix Suspends Online Services Due to Quake

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Mar 15, 2011 in Videogames

Final Fantasy XIV

This probably isn’t welcome news to any of you who play Final Fantasy XI and Final Fantasy XIV, but Square-Enix has decided to suspended their online services for the next week. The decision was made as an effort to conserve energy following the recent earthquakes. I’m actually not surprised that they’d be willing to shut down operations. Many Japanese publishers have also been making sacrafices by delaying their releases — one even going as far as to cancel a disaster-themed game. Others have been donating their proceeds to relief efforts. It should be noted that Square-Enix will be allowing Final Fantasy XI users free play for the month of April in appreciation for their understanding. Read more…

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Hot Toys Teaches Us the Art of Fighting Without Fighting

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Mar 15, 2011 in Hobbies and Collections

Bruce Lee Hot Toys casual figure 1

As far as toy makers go, Hots Toys has a reputation of being among the best. The company may charge us an arm and a leg, but their attention to detail is second to none. Each figure they produce is painstaking crafted with photorealism in mind, making them frighteningly accurate. One could easily find themselves confusing a photo of a toy for the real thing — their 2009 The Dark Knight Joker comes to mind. They recently unveiled two new designs for their Bruce Lee line, and both are absolutely stunning. One features Lee in casual attire, the other in a suit. While neither figure are available for preorder quite yet — they’re scheduled for Fall — the Enter the Dragon version will available for preorder on April 1st.

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Vintage Japanese Commercials Starring George Lucas

Posted by Linda Yau on Mar 14, 2011 in Star Wars, Television

Japanese Commercials Starring George LucasPrior to the availability of Youtube, there is little to no chance that viewers can see foreign commercials that well known people can be involved in. Certainly in the United States, unless with a right fee, you really wouldn’t catch popular and established celebrities selling commercials. However if you are in a country like Japan, you’ll see many celebrities selling Japanese products. Like Bill Murray in the movie Lost in Translation. You can see Arnold Schwarzenegger selling instant cup ramen, Leonardo DiCaprio selling a car, Brad Pitt selling a cell phone, with enough money, the choice is clear. Consider these following commercials starring George Lucas. Read more…

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The Thinking Fans Manga Publisher of Choice: Vertical Inc.

Posted by Linda Yau on Mar 14, 2011 in Comic Books

Vertical Inc. logo

Given the stress on the market, it’s been hard times for the manga publishing industry here in the States. Firstly you now have am established discerning generation of fans who want the latest; secondly you have more competition than ever to grab the best licenses from Japan; and lastly many chain stores which use to be booming are now closing their doors. Yet one publisher has met all of these challenges the old fashioned way — by focusing on quality, quality and oh yes quality. It’s for the reason that Vertical, Inc. while many other publishers have faded from the scene. If you’re new to manga (or want to introduce a friend) here is a selection of our favorites from Vertical: Read more…

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The Complete (and Tentacular) History of Sci-Fi

Posted by Michael Sacco on Mar 13, 2011 in Fandom

Sci-Fi History

You may think you’re a sci-fi expert, but can you navigate this fittingly tentacular map of the history of the genre? Artist Ward Shelley created it for Places and Spaces: Mapping Science. Almost every important event or genre piece is here, though you may find that your pet series or favorite novel isn’t on there if you look hard enough. Click on the image for a super-huge version, well worth the few seconds to download. Read more…

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Just What We Needed: Another Doom Movie

Posted by Michael Sacco on Mar 12, 2011 in Cinema, Videogames

Doom movie

Fresh on the heels of the news that Universal passed on Guillermo Del Toro’s adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft’s “At the Mountains of Madness,” we’re now hearing that the studio is pushing forward a $150 million 3D film reboot of Doom. That’s right, the first-person shooter that’s about a million years old. There was a pretty bad Doom movie just a few years ago, with Karl Urban and The Rock, and after that one I’m not sure anybody was really clamoring for another one. At least in 3D they can make another incredibly dumb first-person camera sequence even more gimmicky. Read more…



Time Magazine Wasn’t Too Big on Sci-Fi in 1939

Posted by Michael Sacco on Mar 12, 2011 in Pulp Fiction

Amazing Stories

We consider the genre a staple nowadays, but back in the 30s, science fiction was still a relatively new thing. It hadn’t even been coined “science fiction” yet — “science romance” was a popular term, along with “pseudo-scientific” and “scientifiction” (which sounds like some kind of chemical reaction). Time Magazine reported on the very first World Science Fiction Convention in 1939, and now, thanks to the miracle of the internet, you can read the original article. It’s a doozy, an openly condescending take on the “shamo-scientifics” that were so popular in the pulp fiction world at the time. It directly refers to the venerable Hugo Gernsback as a “shrewd, fat old man.” Don’t miss it. Read more…

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R2-D2? More like XB-360

Posted by Michael Sacco on Mar 11, 2011 in Star Wars

R2-D2 Xbox 360 projector

If there’s one truism of good hardware modders, it’s that they never stop with just one awesome mod. To prove it, Mark of Major League Mods followed up his far-out Millenium Falcon Xbox mod with this: an almost life-size R2-D2 that’s also an Xbox 360 and projector. Artoo projects the 360’s video output from the lens on his forehead on surfaces up to fifty inches diagonal. But that’s not all — he also has auxiliary ports for all the other game consoles as well. Even the controllers received the droid’s paint job. That’s one cool robot. You might say he’s the droid you’re looking for. Read more…


Set Phasers to Yum

Posted by Michael Sacco on Mar 11, 2011 in Star Trek

Star Trek candy bar

This shouldn’t come as a surprise to any adult, but there’s been a candy tie-in for pretty much everything. Spongebob has Krabby Patty gummies nowadays, Nintendo had Game Boy bubble gum when I was growing up, and apparently before that, there were candy bars “based on” the short-lived Star Trek animated series. And not just any candy bars, but cream-flavo(u)red candy bars with sugar crisps! Fans could collect wrappers with each of their favorite Enterprise crew members, including the rather smug-looking Captain Kirk shown above. Big props to Jason Liebig for programming the replicator to spit these out and putting them on his Flickr page. Read more…


A Bullet With Dragonfly Wings

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Mar 10, 2011 in Design, Hobbies and Collections

Steampunk Dragonfly

Beautiful isn’t it? This deadly insect was crafted by English designer, and steampunk enthusiast Tom Hardwidge. It’s one of many he’s created over the years — an interesting hobby to say the least. The components he uses to craft these wonders are merely used parts from pocket watches, a nut, bolt, or a piece of copper here and there — oh, and old ammunition.  I’m sure something could be said for creating art so beautiful from something so deadly.

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Spock’s Scanner; I’ve Always Wondered the Same Thing

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Mar 10, 2011 in Fandom, Star Trek

Every time Mr.Spock peered at that scanner by his station, I always found myself wondering what he was looking at. Well, this fan-edit by BlackMoonCGI lets us get our peek. It never occured to me that he’d spend all his time on Facebook, but that would probably explain the need for the added privacy. After all, it’s always worksafe if nobody else ever gets to look through your scanner.  The video seems to be the first of what may become an ongoing series, so let’s hope for more of these hilarious edits in the future.

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iPhones Get a Double Dose of Dragon

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Mar 9, 2011 in Videogames

A remake of the arcade classic, Double Dragon, hit the app store last week. Brizo Interactive  teamed up with Aksys Games to revive the license from the grave with fresh graphics, revamped gameplay and a remastered soundtrack. I had a chance to sit down and give it try and while the touch controls can be difficult to master, especially with the newly added move-sets, but otherwise it plays well. Unfortunately, I still find myself asking why they couldn’t just post the title to Xbox Live!, Playstation Network, or Wiiware for that matter. It’s a fantastic remake, but it’d be nice to have an actual controller. The app’s current price of $3.99 is a limited time offer. I can’t imagine them pricing it much higher, though.  Still, if you loved the original, you’ll definitely want this app.

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Terrorize With Style; Sideshow Peview’s Cobra Commander Premium Figure

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Mar 9, 2011 in Comic Books, Hobbies and Collections

Cobra Commander 3

Earlier today, Sideshow Collectibles debuted their upcoming G.I.Joe Cobra Commander premium format figure. This fantastic sculpt includes an interchangeable hood/helmet just in case you’re partial to his Marvel comics counterpart. In addition, the cape is also removable — though, I’m sure you’ll agree that any good villain needs a cape. The level of detail on these premium figures is absolutely exquisite, but that comes at a price — $300  with only 500 units being produced. In order to secure you preorder you’ll need to sign up for their newslettter and log in on March 10th to have your shot. It kind of makes you wonder who the real terrorists are. Could Sideshow Collectibles just be a front for Cobra? We’ll never know.

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23rd Century Bathwear

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Mar 8, 2011 in Star Trek

Kirk Bathrobe

I never thought I’d need a Starfleet-issued bathrobe — that is, until I saw one. Fashioned after their Star Trek original series counterparts, these terrycloth robes come designed with fanboys in mind. For instance, “Command Gold” comes em captain’s rank properly embroidered on the sleeves, along with a command insignia on the left breast. “Sciences Blue” features a commander rank and sciences insignia. For now, those are the only colors available. If you’d rather hold out in hopes of picking up Scotty’s red, those should be available by April. The robes cost a hefty $49.99 via ThinkGeek, but something tells me it’s worth it.

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Fist of Legend Finally Sees a Proper Sequel

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Mar 8, 2011 in Cinema

The Bruce Lee classic Fist of Fury — or The Chinese Connection, for those of you who remember — recently received a proper sequel after nearly 4 decades.  The 2010 film Legend of the Fist: The Return of Chen Zhen, starring Donnie Yen as Lee’s replacement, will have its limited theatrical release in North America next month. Some of you might be wondering why Zhen is rocking the Kato costume, but don’t worry, there’s a reason for it aside from giving a nod to Lee who, as you should know, played the Hornet’s masked sidekick on the original TV series.

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Shojo Titles are Tripe with Romance and a Pursuit of Happiness: Which is Why We Love Them!

Posted by Linda Yau on Mar 7, 2011 in Comic Books

arina staple
Samples of Arina Tanemura’s art work..

Shojo titles target audience is the opposite to Shonen Jump‘s target audience. Literally translated from Japanese, shojo means little girl, and titles are fashioned for females to appreciate. Themes in shojo titles cover romance, self-discovery, and friendship. For a period of time in the United States, Viz Media did release a sister magazine publication to Shonen Jump in Shojo Beat, however citing financial reasons the magazine ended its print run in 2009. Viz Media though, still uses the imprint of Shojo Beat to sustain its branding for releasing titles toward female fans. Consider this list of shojo recommendations in titles and creators, do you dare to see if you’re interested in this genre?
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