5 Toys I Hope Are In Toy Story 3

Posted by Gia Manry on Jun 20, 2010 in Cinema

Toy Story 3: The Toys are Back in Town.

I haven’t watched Toy Story 3 yet, so I don’t know what all of the little cameo toy appearances are– but here are some of my favorite childhood toys (which may date me as a child born in the mid-’80s) that definitely deserve some Toy Story screen time. Read more…

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Lose Weight Fast by Fleeing Zombies

Posted by Gia Manry on Jun 20, 2010 in Fandom

No, I’m not talking about Left 4 Dead 4 Wii– I’m talking about ZombieFit, a new program at a gym in St. Charles, IL where you basically learn how to be a movie badass by assigning yourself an even harder target: be able to survive a zombie apocalypse. Read more…

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Want to Be the Next Pirate King? You’ll Need a Pair of These First

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 19, 2010 in Animation, Fandom

One Piece Jeans 1

It’s so rare for me to come across wearable Otaku-oriented clothing. I use the term wearable in that I’ve seen more than my fair share of lounge shirts plastered with gaudy designs — be it the choice of the color or the anime inspired prints themselves. These jeans, however, are hardly an eye-sore. With the words of Monkey D. Luffy gracing your rear-end, you too can aspire to rule the high seas and collect the ultimate treasure — that is, if you can manage to fit in them. Read more…

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Japanese Star Trek: The Next Generation Action Figures

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 19, 2010 in Hobbies and Collections, Star Trek

Japanese Data Figure

Ever wonder what Data would look like if he were built in Japan? Well, now we know thanks to Dragon Models’ upcoming line of Star Trek: The Next Generation 1/6th scale action figures. The android is joined by Captain Picard and what appears to be Lieutenant Worf circa season 3 — you can obviously tell by the uniform and hair.  To be honest, I’m not loving what they did with Worf, but they managed to capture Sir Patrick Stewart’s visage quite nicely. As for Data himself? Well, the tilt of his head was a nice touch. Read more…

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Star Wars: The Old Republic Trailer Gives Me A New Hope

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 18, 2010 in Star Wars, Videogames

I really can’t get behind massive multiplayer gaming, at least when it requires large portions of my free time and an exorbitant monthly fee. Occasionally, however, a title catches my eye long enough for me reconsider that stance, and it would seem Electronic Arts and BioWare may have accomplished that very feat here. Their upcoming installment of the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic saga, Star Wars: The Old Republic,  will be the first MMORPG in the series.  I thoroughly enjoyed the first game — I wish I could say the same for Obsidian Entertainment’s second installment of the franchise — and this recently released E3 trailer definitely looks promising, but now I’m left wanting more. Until then, I can only the game ends up being as good as its cinematics might lead us to believe.

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Boom! Studios Explodes On to the App Store

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 18, 2010 in Comic Books, Tech

Boom! Ipad App

Sure it’s not Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, or even IDW, but if you haven’t read any of Boom! Studios’ comics since its inception back in 2005, you’ve really missed out on some amazing work. With licensed works based on films like Die Hard and 28 Days Later you really can’t go wrong — not to mention their outstanding line-up of original content that spans a variety of different genres.  However, missing out can be easily remedied thanks to their recently released iPad app which promises to deliver roughly 50 titles straight to your iPad for a reasonable price. The app itself is built on the comiXology engine, the same engine used by other publishers such as Marvel and IDW.  To download the app, or to learn more, check out the app store website. Read more…

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Is the Pen Mightier Than the Light Saber?

Posted by Michael Pinto on Jun 17, 2010 in Hobbies and Collections, Star Wars

Star Wars Light Saber Hikaru Ballpoint Pen

The coolest thing about about the Star Wars Light Saber Hikaru Ballpoint Pen is that not only does it light up — but the possibles for office antics are endless! Although my fear that most fanboys will afraid to embrace their inner Jedi and instead leave these magical writing instruments in their original packaging where no doubt they’ll sadly catch dust on a bookshelf.

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Apps for Your Appliances: The Continuing Vision of Home Automation

Posted by Michael Pinto on Jun 17, 2010 in Tech

This interesting panel discussion talks about the idea of consumer electronic appliances being able to connect to the cloud. What I found interesting about this discussion is that this idea isn’t 100% new, but in fact is the latest chapter in the ongoing evolution of an idea of a “smart house” which has been an old dream of the computer industry. A good example of this was the AT&T commercials from 1993 which had the theme “You Will” — take a look at the commercial at the one minute mark where your voice opens up doors: Read more…

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The Not So Grim Consequences of a 2nd Edition Cover

Posted by Michael Pinto on Jun 17, 2010 in Comic Books

The Goon Volume 4: Virtue and the Grim Consequences Thereof 2nd Edition

Dark Horse is reprinting The Goon Volume 4: Virtue and the Grim Consequences Thereof which would normally be a non-event for yours truly. However they’ve gone the extra stretch and had Eric Powell do a new cover (shown above) which just looks brilliant. What makes Powell so unique is that he’s able to combine pull off a combination of an pulp magazine cover that you might have seen back in the day with just the right touch of cartoonishness.



The Na’vi Embrace the Dark Side

Posted by Michael Pinto on Jun 16, 2010 in Hobbies and Collections, Star Wars

Avatar Stormtrooper Helmet

I secretly suspect that Avatar will be seen as a future classic film when this next generation of fanboys comes of age: And this very clever Avatar Stormtrooper Helmet proves the point! The artist behind the amazing helmet is fangurl Denise Vasquez who created it for the 501st Legion: Read more…

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A Blue Hedgehog Shows His Colors

Posted by Michael Pinto on Jun 16, 2010 in Videogames

Sonic the Hedgehog is now almost twenty years old! His first appearance was in 1991 and he has gone on to become the real mascot of Sega — which back then also made hardware. Shown above is the Sonic Colors trailer which just came out for E3 this week: The game will be available around Christmas this year.



Keep It Secret. Keep It Safe. And Keep It Very Cute!

Posted by Michael Pinto on Jun 16, 2010 in Cinema, Hobbies and Collections

Lord Of The Rings Plushes

I really feel for Lord Of The Rings, here they are waiting for the Hobbit film to come out in 2012 and the director then quits! That means that if Tolkien fanboys (and fangurls!) are lucky they will only have waited nine years since The Return of the King came out in 2003. Well if it’s any consolation prize sad Rings enthusiasts can cuddle up with these official Lord of the Rings plushies which are now available for pre-order: Included are Frodo, Gandalf, Legolas and Orc. Read more…



Square-Enix, What Have You Done to My Space Invaders!?

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 15, 2010 in Videogames


This is Space Invaders: Infinity Gene — Square-Enix and Taito’s latest attempt to revive the Space Invaders franchise. In all fairness, I haven’t actually had a chance to play this yet — though I might at this week’s E3 — and my first impressions are based on the video above. Still, I find myself completely confused by everything I saw. Sure it’s neat, and innovative, at least by comparison to the classic Space Invaders I knew and loved, but it’s as if the designers simply refused to draw a line. As a result, we’re left with a mess of lines and shapes which I really had trouble making heads and tails of. Now don’t get me wrong, I’ve seen the formula work — Geometry Wars was a great example — but until I really get a hands on with it, I’m simply not sold on this and I’m left wondering if I’m the only one who feels that way. Read more…

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Super Shogun Stormtrooper is Super Huge

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 15, 2010 in Hobbies and Collections, Star Wars

Super Shogun Stormtrooper

This is probably the largest stormtrooper toy I’ve ever seeen. At 24 inches, Super7’s two-foot-tall take on the Imperial stormtrooper comes complete with a spring loaded rocket propelled fist, and wheels. Why it would even need those is beyond me, but I’m not one to complain about the extras. Still, it’s not like it really needed them. It’s a two foot tall storm trooper wielding an E-11 blaster rifle, and that’s more than enough reason to want one if you ask me. Here’s the kicker, though — it’ll cost you about $299. Crazy, right? At least the details are pretty stunning up close. If you’re still willing to empty your wallet or bank account, you can order one online via the Super7 website. For more info on the toy itself, check out the mini-site here. Read more…

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Google Gags Goth Lolita Video

Posted by Michael Pinto on Jun 14, 2010 in Fandom, Tech

La Carmina

La Carmina is one of my favorite subculture bloggers, so I was a bit upset to see that YouTube had censored one of her videos by claiming that it violated their community guidelines. But I’ll let you be the judge — shown below is her video. Now before you watch this clip I will warn you that there is some fetish footage at the end. However some of you may be a bit disappointed as the model in question is clothed (she’s wearing underwear), and that may be hard to see as the scene is shot in a low light situation: Read more…

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Too Much Coffee Man Graduates to the New Yorker

Posted by Michael Pinto on Jun 14, 2010 in Comic Books

I Thought You Would Be Funnier by Shannon Wheeler

I was pleasantly surprised to see that on Wednesday BOOM! Studios be taking their first steps as a publisher and putting out a real book which will be a collection of New Yorker styled cartoons by Shannon Wheeler with the title I Thought You Would Be Funnier. On the surface creating a New Yorker cartoon seem dead simple — they’re black and white, not always exquisitely drawn and have to have a clever punchline. However just try coming up with a few of these on your own and you’ll see just how hard it is to do something original or even just funny. So the few artists that can get their work published are always worth taking a look at — and in this case Wheeler deserves your admiration as he paid his dues with the cult comic Too Much Coffee Man. Here’s a preview of his book which make me smile a few times: Read more…



What’s Killing Japanese Manga? A Lack of Discoverability.

Posted by Michael Pinto on Jun 14, 2010 in Comic Books

Kinokuniya book store in NYC

There was a magic moment in my life when I first ventured into Japanese bookstores here in New York City. Mind you that this was many moons ago, but as an art school student I knew that shows like Star Blazers came from Japan. Not speaking Japanese the first books that caught my attention were the Roman Albums, which were (and still are) published by Tokuma Shoten. These books were miniature coffee table guides to a series, but they left me with a hunger to see the comic books that inspired these amazing animated shows. Nippon Books was a tiny store (which went out of business a quite a few years ago) so it was with a great delight that I discovered the Kinokuniya book store. Read more…

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The Founding of the Avengers, In Brief

Posted by Gia Manry on Jun 13, 2010 in Comic Books

Tony Stark is unhappy with the direction his IRC channel is taking.

…And by “brief,” we mean “IRC.” Based on the original comics’ founding, not the movie version. Read more…

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Hi-Ho Silver! Thor & the Cap’n Have Logos

Posted by Gia Manry on Jun 12, 2010 in Cinema, Comic Books

I’m a journalism major, not a design major, but I have to say that the logos for the upcoming film adaptations of Marvel comics’ Thor and Captain America are…less than thrilling. And I mean that in the literal sense. They’re pretty boring. Let’s have a look-see.
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Video Game Syndrome and Boss to Minion Progression

Posted by Gia Manry on Jun 12, 2010 in Fandom, Videogames


In certain video games, there’s a phenomenon I’m going to call “Boss to Minion Progression” (or you may know it on TVTropes as Degraded Boss) in which an early level’s boss reappears– weaker, and perhaps a different color –as a regular-occurring baddie in a later level. Nearly every Final Fantasy has had this, along with games like Castlevania, beat-’em-ups like Double Dragon and Streets of Rage, a bunch of the Legend of Zelda games…it’s pretty common. Read more…



Mortal Kombat Finally Gets the Reboot We’ve Been Waiting For

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 11, 2010 in Videogames


I’m sure most of you were expecting to see the Mortal Kombat: Rebirth teaser that’s been floating around the internet the past few days. Well, instead we have a trailer for the upcoming Mortal Kombat game that, I could only imagine, would have been announced at E3 next week. This year however, everyone seems to have wanted to let their cats out of their proverbial bags, so we’re getting to see this stuff ahead of time — lucky us.

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Medicom’s Kirk & Uhura Be@rbricks

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 11, 2010 in Hobbies and Collections, Star Trek

Kirk and Uhura Be@rbricks

Medicom’s at it again with their ever-so-popular Be@rbrick line — this time, featuring characters from Star Trek’s original series. While I’m sure most of you were probably hoping to see Spock and McCoy along for the ride, Kirk’s instead joined by Uhura. A bit of a surprise, but definitely nothing to complain about. Being sold as a set, they’re current listed for 2604 yen, which comes out to about $28 USD. No word on when they’ll be available for order, though I’m sure we’ll end up seeing them for order via Hobby Link Japan in no time.

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Fan Request: Geek Out My Glee

Posted by Gia Manry on Jun 11, 2010 in Television


Glee is sort of an odd topic for this website. Sure, it’s got a growing and devoted fandom, plus the kind of soap opera drama, colorful characters, and just the right level of fandom gap* that gets fanfic authors’ motors revving. On the other hand, it’s a (slightly) grown-up version of High School Musical– pretty far from the genre, game-related, and foreign materials that usually qualify for their own geekdoms. Read more…



Gothic and Lolita Psycho Trailer Comes Packed With Lace and Blood

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Jun 10, 2010 in Cinema, Horror

I absolutely love Japanese action films — more often than not, they’re a total tongue-and-cheek gore-fest filled with over-the-top acting and ridiculous special effects. While I admit that some of them can be a bit exploitative, I’m remarkably good at stomaching it and trying to enjoy the films for what they are. Needless to say, Go Ohara’s upcoming film looks to be no exception. Gothic and Lolita Psycho features the beautiful Rina Akiyama, popular gravure model, who plays a young woman who finds her mother murdered by assassins, and exacts revenge while dressed in gothic lolita fashion. There’s plenty of blood, women and a parasol loaded with bullets ala The Penguin in Batman Returns. Sounds awesome right? Watch the trailer and see for yourself. Read more…

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