The 5 Best XKCD Prank Strips
Everyone loves Creative Commons-shareable webcomic XKCD, whether they’re geeks, nerds, or pretending to be one of them because they acknowledge that geeks and nerds now rule the earth. My personal favorite category of strips, however, are the pranks that the nameless characters of XKCD conduct upon an unsuspecting public. Here are five of the best prank strips.
Misusing Slang
You guys can start this one today, but it only works if you have an innate distaste for the kids while being willing to consume enough kid-focused media to absorb the slang, which can be a tough balancing act.
As a combination geek/animal nut, this one always makes me smile.
“Donald Knuth”
You don’t really need to know who Don Knuth is to make this comic amusing, but he’s quite actually the nerd humorist.
To get the prank out of this you actually need the mouse-over text from the original comic, which I am therefore forced to reproduce: “We once got grounded when we convinced the FAA to block flights through our county because of ash clouds.”
Gia Manry is a professional writer specializing in geek culture. She currently writes primarily for Anime News Network, but also likes being followed on Twitter. She can be contacted via her website.