How To Kill Serial Retweeters
Anyone who uses the Twitter retweet functionality to do anything but share something of value is spamming your tweetstream. In fact I’d even go further and say that anyone who retweets more than once a day is a spammer. But sadly there are so many newbies on Twitter that common sense can be lacking, so here’s my tutorial on how to shut off serial retweeters:
Step 1: First find the annoying retweet, you’ll recognize this often as someone who has nothing any value to say (well any value to you).
Step 2: Identify the person you are following who maybes “shares just a bit too much” (sorry jlist I love ya but this is business).
Step 3: In fact Twitter will give you hints on how to do this! So click on the link to the serial retweeter.
Step 4: On the offenders page find that little green button which is located under their name to the right of the word Following.
Step 5: When you hover over that button Twitter will tell you that you’ve found the right switch! So click on the green button…
Step 6: Congrats you’ve done it! In fact when you hover over the button Twitter will confirm that you won’t get any more “gifts”.
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