Snout Spout: His knock out nose knocks evil out! You can tell the design department of Mattel was bored to death of Masters of the Universe by 1986 when this commercial came out. I can just see some poor child at Christmas yelping “Mommy why did you get me an elephant? I wanted He-Man!” Don’t get me wrong as a toy it looks very clever but our pachyderm friend seems somewhat out of place with the other members of the Masters of the Universe. In fact the character wasn’t even shown in the series until after the toy came out (you can tell that merchandising was more important than story telling).
By the way shown after our elephant friend is a spot for Stonedar and Rokkon’ who are slightly better designed. These two characters were first introduced in the Mattel mini-comic Rock People to the Rescue. Sadly for these two the He-Man series was cancelled by the time hey came out and thus they made their broadcast debut in She-Ra: Princess of Power.