Basquash! Proof That with Anime You Can Mix Sports and Sci Fi

Posted by Michael Pinto on May 1, 2009 in Animation |

Basquash! (バスカッシュ! ) is a sports/sci fi anime title of sorts — it’s not too often you see those two genres mixed up so you get characters playing basketball with their giant robots. Although I like what little I’ve seen of this show so far which was created by French animator Thomas Romain and Shoji Kawamori (who worked on one of my favorite anime films Crusher Joe):

The first thing you’ll notice with the show is that while it has a strong anime feeling to it, there are subtle hints of hip hop here and there:


One of the things about this show that I like is the fact that the animation is very fluid and the character designs have a nice cartoony quality to them (i.e. they’re not too realistic):

Basquash! Character Designs

Another bright spot in this show is that the mecha looks very unique — the minute you look at these robots you want t go out and buy the urban designer toys that you know will be assocaited with the show:

Basquash! Mecha Designs

Basquash! Mecha Designs

The funny thing is that the mecha designs remind me a great deal of a brief segment of MTV’s Liquid Television called Autoguard 2000 from the early 90s — although the added addition of sneakers takes these robots to the next level.

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