Ryu ga Gotoku 3: Never Mind the Yakuza, I Want to Go Shopping!

Posted by Michael Pinto on Mar 3, 2009 in Videogames

This is the latest preview of Sega’s Ryu ga Gotoku 3 game for the Playstation 3: This series of games follows waring factions of Yakuza and this specific title is set in “the southern Okinawa Tokyo Kamuro town city that never sleeps”. What’s funny is that while the fighting action in the later part of the trailer looks average the footage of wandering around the shopping center of the city looks like much more fun: Read more…

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Hollywood Hates Terry Gilliam (and Smart Moviegoers)

Posted by Michael Pinto on Mar 2, 2009 in Cinema

The Imaginarium of Dr Parnassus

You’d think that the Hollywood distribution companies would kill to get their hands on The Imaginarium of Dr Parnassus — you’ve got Terry Gilliam one of the best directors of all time, then you have the final performance of Oscar winning Heath Ledger and add to that additional performances by Jude Law, Colin Farrell and Johnny Depp. The film only cost $20 million to make, yet distribution companies are afraid to touch it because the plot is too complex. These industry types point to the complexity of recent Gilliam efforts like Tideland and The Brothers Grimm, but to be blunt about it the marketing campaigns on those films were pretty non-existent. Sadly if a deal can’t be reached it looks like the film will go to DVD — now perhaps it’s not ready for the cineplex at the mall, but you’d think that this film at least deserves an art house run.



Transformers: More than Meets the Mouse (and a Mickey in Disguise)

Posted by Michael Pinto on Mar 2, 2009 in Animation, Hobbies and Collections

Transformers Disney Label Mickey Mouse

From a quick glance I wasn’t too impressed with the mecha design of this Transformers Disney Label Mickey Mouse — the problem was that it just wasn’t cute enough! But of course the devil is in the details: If you look closely at the top you’ll see the classic Mickey Mouse enjoying being at the controls of his very own giant robot.

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Star Trek Collections: Live Long and Acquire, err I Mean Prosper…

Posted by Michael Pinto on Mar 1, 2009 in Hobbies and Collections, Star Trek

Shown above is the wonderful collection of Leonard F. Krieger. There’s a small but growing movement of fanboys who are making videos of their Star Trek collections and sharing them on YouTube. I have to admit that while such an endeavor sounds geeky that it’s a very positive use of technology. You see back in the days fans would acquire amazing collections of memorabilia but sadly with rare exception these gems would just sit on a shelf gathering dust only to be admired by a few. But putting these goodies on he web (and not just with video but on other sites like Flickr) fans are building a virtual museum and giving a free visitors pass to the rest of us. Here are a few wings of virtual Trek museum: Read more…



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