Bandai: Toy Fair 2009
The Bandai booth blew me away! Most of their display was behind closed doors, but guarding those doors were two huge oversized statues of a robot from Power Rangers and Ben 10:
But behind the curtain things got much more interesting with tons of DragonBall on display:
Now these figures above are based upon the upcoming live action Dragonball Evolution film, and I’ve posted them here for a reason. The first day the show opened these figures were seen everywhere, but the photos that I found didn’t capture the scale of the toys which was small – so they didn’t do a good job of representing the detail that Bandai put into their product. But if you’re an old school fan of Dragon Ball Z fear not as I was shown an entire line of toys based upon the original anime series.
However there was much much more than just Dragonball as Bandai had a ton of very nice Power Rangers RPM (Racing Performance Machines) goodies on display. Below is the highly detailed RPM Ulrtrazoid:
But what made my day the most as an old school fanboy is that Bandai will be marketing toys associated with the Kamen Rider Dragon Knight television series! The older Kamen shows are so silly (think Batman from the 60s) but they do have this special charm to them. Below is the DX Rider Set: Dragon Cycle and Knight: