Ghostbusters III: Film Crew Apparitions Take Us Behind the Scenes

Posted by Michael Pinto on Jan 14, 2009 in Cinema |

Ghostbusters III

In the good old days (a year ago) we’d somehow get our hands on a preproduction sketch from an upcoming film — and then within hours await for the lawyers to contact us. But in the modern world of viral marketing the smarter film folks actually stalk fanboy oriented websites and reach out to us fanboys via Twitter!

So it seems that the fanboy friendly folks behind Ghostbusters III are doing an outreach campaign to plug their film production. So far they have a Twitter account and a production blog setup which features footage from the field and even some production artwork.

Here’s a scene featuring panicked folks fleeing some unseen sort of CGI monster:

And here’s a perfectly good NYC cab going to waste (although the shot is fun):

And here are some interesting looking production sketches for what seem to be ghostbusting gear:

Ghostbusters III: Prop Design

Ghostbusters III: Prop Design

Ghostbusters III: Prop Design

So of course I’m eating up every last bit of this — AND I hope we see more stuff from the Ghostbusters III team! And to their outreach team: If you’d like to bring us onto the set we promise not to swipe any of your catering or fawn for autographs…


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