Posted by Michael Pinto on Dec 9, 2008 in Videogames
This is a really bad low budget spot from 1992 for Yoshi’s Cookie which was published by Nintendo for the NES and GameBoy. With current craze of kitchen oriented videogames this old school snack food title suddenly popped into my mind, here’s an example of the game play: Read more…
It might be quite a leap from going to making synthetic single celled creatures by 2011 to full blown Blade Runner replicants by 2019 — but it does make one wonder if we might see that Brave New World of genetic engineering in our lifetime: Read more…
Posted by Michael Pinto on Dec 8, 2008 in Animation
What’s interesting about this is that the Deputy Dean of Russian Literature and Intercultural Communication at the Pushkin Institute of Russian in Moscow (how’s that for a cool job title?) feels that the show doesn’t promote pedophilia in an outright way, but does so subjectively with humor (i.e. it’s subversive!): Read more…
If you’re a hardcore Galactica fanboy with $40k burning a hole in your pocket then here is your chance to bid a bit of the show:
Item # 348 – The Cylon Raider: “The Cylon Raider is a very large craft with a large wing span. The ship itself is made of metal, foam and wood. The ship breaks down into five pieces for easy transport. Measures 29′ long by 18’6″ wide by 4’8″ tall. Serious bidders should contact Propworx for more details or an inspection of the craft.” Read more…
Anime and manga expert Gia Manry is now the managing editor or Anime Vice a well done website which is worth adding to your RSS reader. Vice is a video rich community focused site which has quite a few user friendly features — and is already stocked with a wealth of cool content. I really loved their up and coming release section and of course their cosplay photo collection has to be seen. The devil is in the details and one can tell that Gia sweated those details to put together one of the better fan oriented encyclopedias that I’ve seen in a long time (and as a blogger it’s nice to have other places to link to rather than ANN or wikipedia).
Posted by Michael Pinto on Dec 7, 2008 in Animation
This Friday was the opening night for Too Art for TV 3 which is the third annual fine art exhibit which features the work of professionals in New York City’s animation business. The show is running until December 15th at the Erebuni gallery which is located at 158 Roebling Street in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Read more…
It’s with a heavy heart that I learned of the passing of Forrest J Ackerman because so much of what we take for granted today as fanboys we owe to the man and his generation. Forrest was among the members of First Fandom: The first generation of fanboys who during the 30s invented science fiction conventions, fan clubs, fanzines and cosplay. And Mr. Ackerman did all of that by playing a leading role in establishing the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society in 1934, attending the first World Science Fiction Convention in 1939 and published on the first fanzines Futuria Fantasia in 1939. Here’s an interview with him talking about the early days of science fiction fandom from 1996: Read more…
The trailer for this videogame looks like it’s very true to the 1984 film of the same name, but as a fanboy I’m asking if this is really a good thing? Yeah on a technical level I’m impressed that Bill Murray and Dan Aykroyd look exactly like Bill Murray and Dan Aykroyd, but does that mean it will make a good videogame? I think sometimes the best thing to do with a Hollywood based title is to have some fun with it (example: Batman Lego) but for a film that was a comedy this title seems a tad serious from this first glance.
Posted by Michael Pinto on Dec 5, 2008 in Animation
It looks like 20th Century Fox is settling in on a name for this film, in fact they’ve already already taken the web domain For a generation of anime fanboys (and fangurls) Dragonball has a cherished place in their childhood, and I hope Hollywood doesn’t get it wrong (although from what I’ve seen Im not too hopeful): Read more…
The one thing that I’ve noticed of late is that every yabbo software entrepreneur always cries foul at the slightest notion of the auto industry getting a government rescue. But the one thing these folks seem to forget is that there wouldn’t be a software industry if it weren’t for the very socialist roots of silicon valley. The valley didn’t happen by any sort of happy accident — it occurred because because of heavy investment by the defense industry in companies like HP going back to World War II. In fact even the internet itself wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for DARPA (the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) invented the damn thing. In the above video from the Computer History Museum entrepreneur Steve Blank gives a history of how the valley is the child of a welfare program recipient (which all in all is a very good thing for this county).
Posted by Michael Pinto on Dec 4, 2008 in Videogames
This is the latest trailer for the The Lord of the Rings Conquest game from Electronic Arts which is due to come out in January 2009 for the Xbox 360, PS3, PC and Nintendo DS. This game looks like everything that a J.R.R. Tolkien fanboy would want from getting to do battle with everyone from Cave-trolls to Oliphaunts.
Posted by Michael Pinto on Dec 4, 2008 in Star Trek, Tech
So the other day I was going on how the USS Kelvin had just started following me on Twitter to promote their trivia contest for Star Trek XI (which is sponsored by Intel and Lenovo) and of course I had to lament that while the contest was cool and all — what was really needed was a Trek themed laptop. So it was with much pleasure today that I found out that not only is this the case, but the sweet folks at contest just sent me a sneak preview photo of the laptop itself. For now my guess is for now that this goodie is just a sweepstakes prize, but man would I love to see something like this for sale in the stores…
I just spotted this gem, and man would I love this for Christmas: Going back to my childhood I’ve always noticed that Janus Films logo whenever I’d see a offbeat movie. The company was founded in 1956, and one of the co-founders ran the 55th Street Playhouse in New York City which was one of the first cinemas to specialize in art house films. Over the years they’ve distributed films from some of the best directors from Federico Fellini to Akira Kurosawa. In 2006 to celebrate their 50th anniversary the Criterion Collection put out a 50 set DVD collection titled Essential Art House – 50 Years of Janus Films. To me this would be the ultimate gift for any cinema fanboy, in fact I’d say owning the set would be like taking a college level course on film history. Here’s a trailer showing some of the goodies in the collection:
Posted by Michael Pinto on Dec 3, 2008 in Videogames
The good news is that psychiatrists are now claiming that videogamers aren’t addicts, but the bad news is that they’re seeing our fellow fanboys as a “social problem” and are using the age old cliché of laying the blame on society and parents: Read more…
The minute I came across these two cats I was impressed: There’s something ever so cool about outfitting two elegant felines in medieval attire and then giving them the most silly accessories that you can imagine. The two kitties in this case are from the Capcom title Monster Hunter, and in the game they do everything from mundane chores like cooking to the more exciting gigs like distracting giant creatures. On the left is Airou who carries an oversized paw on a stick, and on the right is Merarou who prefers a giant tooth on a stick.
Posted by Michael Pinto on Dec 3, 2008 in Comic Books
You know you’re doing bad when you can’t figure out at a casual glance if something is a parody or not — and such seems to be the case with issue #1 of Hulk Family which hits newsstands this week. To their credit Marvel has had Marko Djurdjevic do an amazing job on the cover, but this concept just seems so silly to me. Anyway you be the judge, here’s the description of the plot: Read more…
Posted by Michael Pinto on Dec 3, 2008 in Star Trek
There was a time not so long ago where I seemed to be doing nothing but covering every marketing scheme and merchandisable goodie that the George Lucas empire would produce — and looking back on it to my amazement I actually lamented Paramount’s inability to do anything with Star Trek. But then J.J. Abrams came along and changed all that in no time!
The evidence of this came face-to-face to me today as I suddenly noticed that one of my new followers on Twitter was the USS Kelvin: My first reaction was that this was just a fanboy with a cool icon, but them upon checking out the tweets it turns out to be a Star Trek XI trivia contest sponsored by Intel and Lenovo. Needless to say the contest looks pretty cool, but I’d wish they’d take even a step further and customize those IdeaPad laptops with a Star Trek theme.
Posted by Michael Pinto on Dec 2, 2008 in Animation
If you hate what Hollywood does to anime classics (or perhaps just dread the thought of it) you’ll love this parody flash film which comes from Happy Harry Toons in England.
Cinema fanboys rejoice! The Criterion Collection has started putting their films online for viewing. Unlike YouTube this will cost you $5 a movie, but the quality and variety is high. To me this is an important first step as my prediction is a that over the next few years we’ll see traditional media not only embrace the likes of YouTube, but my gut feeling is that this may lead to something that may be the next golden age of a new medium. But for now I’d suggest checking out the vintage 1972 science fiction film Solaris before the revolution starts.
Posted by Michael Pinto on Dec 1, 2008 in Animation
What’s so odd about this Japanese commercial from 1984 is that it features the Flintstones meeting space aliens who have a vague anime feeling to them. What’s also strange about this advert is for the Lake Hotel is that the animation breaks away from the limited flat look of the original series in several shots — it’s very weird to see Fred Flintstone walk toward the camera.
Posted by Michael Pinto on Dec 1, 2008 in Videogames
Taiko no Tatsujin (太鼓の達人) is a drum machine arcade game — what’s cool about the PlayStation 2 and the Wii versions is that they have special controllers which look like a miniature taiko drum. Here’s what the original arcade game looks like:
I really love how taken the physical interface of the game and turned into a peripheral customized game controller — which makes a standard game machine become much more toy like in terms of playability.