Nine 2009 Techie Predictions: The Fanboy Forecast

Posted by Michael Pinto on Dec 30, 2008 in Tech |

The Shape of Things to Come (1936): Movie Poster

Year-after-year I’ve watched the usual suspects make their tech predictions, so this year I’ve decided as a fanboy that it was my right to make a fool of myself as much as the next guy. Most people are in a doom and gloom mindset right now, but I’ve always felt that there are opportunities when the going gets tough. In fact my one ambivalent prediction is that somewhere in 2009/2010 someone will start a new company which will become the next big thing. But here’s what I think will be happening with the current cast of characters in the tech scene:

Sun is Acquired or Sells Off MySQL/Java Assets
Sun Microsystems stock tanks and the company becomes an acquisition target for the likes of IBM or HP — or the company goes back to their hardware roots and they sell off the valuable software assets to stay alive.

Microsoft Announces Silverlight Office & Outlook
This will be the point where people realize that not only is Microsoft serious about going after Google, but they’re in it to win it by doing what they do best: By being the upstart underdog.

Mahalo Acquires from the New York Times
In one fell swoop Jason Calacanis takes on Wikipedia while Google quietly closes down Knol. Calacanis uses the opportunity to open an advertising network out of NYC thus firing the opening shot of Silicon Alley 3.0.

Apple Rolls Time Machine into Apple TV
It’s sink or swim time for Job’s hobby and one sure way to make Apple TV make more sense is to add further functionality.

Yahoo! Will NOT Be Acquired
Yahoo! always made money and with a recession this will seem like a virtue once again.

Pixar Announces a 2D Styled Feature Film
With everyone doing yet another 3D film Pixar will zig while everyone zags and will reinvent classic animation while doing it.

Technorati Shutters Down
I’m sort of surprised that this didn’t happen in 2008 — I’m still trying to figure out what this site is good for anymore?

Amazon and/or eBay Will Announce an iTunes Like Desktop App
(or Embrace a Silverlight or Flash Interface)
As Flash and Silverlight embrace accessibility you’ll start to see more high end commerce sites become more like desktop applications as ease-of-use will bring in more sales.

Google Acquires Twitter
Like Blogger and YouTube our friends at Google love to buy the best-of-breed dynamic websites. In many ways Google will also do this as a checkmate against further investment in Facebook by Microsoft.

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