Support Shat: Don’t Buy this T-Shirt!

Posted by Michael Pinto on Oct 9, 2008 in Star Trek |

Star Trek TOS Tunic Tees

There’s only one man on planet Earth who has the right to wear this t-shirt and that’s none other than Mr. William Shatner — THE only man qualified to play Captain James T. Kirk on the silver screen. I blame J.J. Abrams for the fact that we now find that any slob with $25 and access to the internet can prance around with Shat’s shirt on his back. Damn all of you apathetic fanboys who haven’t spoken up on this issue. Hell if it weren’t for Shatner we’d all still be watching friggin’ Westerns…

Because there is only one Captain James T. Kirk: Bring Shat Back!

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