The Heartbreak of Doctor Parnassus

Posted by Michael Pinto on Sep 14, 2008 in Cinema |

What’s sad to me about this trailer is that director Terry Gilliam has to do such a hard sell for himself to sell the film The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus. Even if Brazil was the only film that Gilliam had made, we should all be waiting on line eager to see his next epic. Gilliam doesn’t always give you what you expect, but he’s always taking chances with his work and I wish there was more support in terms of marketing dollars to sell this.

The other thing that I love about Gilliam is that he’s always doing something original and interesting — it’s sad but perhaps in an age of movies that are remakes, based on old TV shows or comic book titles that’s why Hollywood doesn’t honor him. However I dare say that’s why he’s earned my respect and admiration. It’s sad but I predict long after Spider-Man 3 is a footnote that future generation will look back on Gilliam films with the love that they deserve. I beg all to support Terry today and not wait to rediscover him far in the future after his obituary is printed.

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