Disney Revisits the House of the Future
Shown above is the 1957 version of the House of the Future which was removed and destroyed in 1967. I think it would be much more fun to create a Retro House if the Future complete with a jet pack stand and nuclear power generator in the basement ala the Jetsons rather than trying to re-invent the concept:
House of Tomorrow returning to Disneyland
“Disneyland will team with Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard and others to bring the $15-million Innoventions Dream Home to Tomorrowland in May, according to the Associated Press. The two-bedroom demonstration home with a kitchen, living room, dining room, study and backyard (but no bathroom) will feature current and near-future technology, including:
* Closets that help select clothes and suggest matching outfits.
* Touch-screen kitchen countertops that recognize groceries and make menu recommendations.
* Digital artwork that adjusts to personal preset preferences.
Disney actors will play the fictional Elias family of four (an obvious nod to Walter Elias Disney) living a “digital lifestyle” in the 5,000-square-foot “smart house” inside the rotating-floor Innoventions building.”
Ummm, no bathrooms in the house of the future?!