Disney Artist Blogs his Creative Work

Posted by Michael Pinto on May 14, 2007 in Videogames

Todd Harris works as a concept artist at Disney, where he develops new intellectual properties for games. His blog is filled with quite a bit of entertaining artwork:



2001: A Space Odyssey in 5 Seconds

Posted by Michael Pinto on May 14, 2007 in Cinema


The Bil & Cora Baird TV Show

Posted by Michael Pinto on May 13, 2007 in Animation

There’s an amzing article on tv puppet pioneers Bil & Cora Baird (and their marionettes) at Michael Sporn’s Splog:

More Marionettes

“Bil & Cora Baird had ruled the theatrical environs on TV (Bil & Cora Baird Show and Peter & the Wolf) , in theater (Flahooley, Baker Street) and on film (Sound of Music). Yet when the very successful scene in the film, Lili, where Leslie Caron talks to Bil Baird’s marionette, moved to Broadway as the musical, Carnival, it was Jim Henson who built the puppets for the show. A sea change had happened. The marionette had become a hand puppet.”


A Real Hobbit House

Posted by Michael Pinto on May 13, 2007 in Hobbies and Collections

A Real Hobbit House

A while ago we covered someone who had created a detailed Hobbit dollhouse, but here’s someone who did it for real:

Inside the Hobbit House
Appreciating a modern-day cottage based on mythical literature

“Asked to design a fitting repository for a client’s valuable collection of J.R.R. Tolkien manuscripts and artifacts, architect Peter Archer went to the source—the fantasy novels that describe the abodes of the diminutive Hobbits. “I came back my client and said, ‘I’m not going to make this look like Hollywood,’” Archer recalled, choosing to focus instead on a finely-crafted structure embodying a sense of history and tradition.”

Found via boingboing.net.


Super Mario Keychains

Posted by Michael Pinto on May 12, 2007 in Hobbies and Collections

Super Mario Keychains

These cute little goodies are available via ThinkGeek:

Squishy Mario Goodness

“We know you’re flush with Mario goodies… but who can resist a squishy keychain to show off your Nintendo Fanboy (or girl) dedication? Since this is “New” Super Mario Brothers paraphernalia the coveted Mega Mushroom is included in the random assortment. But please don’t let your dog chew on the power mushroom… lest he grow huge and start jumping on Goombas.

Please keep in mind that these New Super Mario Keychains are limited edition Japanese imported capsule toys and are random packed. When we sell out, these are gone and we cannot get more. You cannot choose the specific model you receive. Please read the sidebar below for more information.”

Found via geek24.com.


Artist’s Family Needs Your Help

Posted by Michael Pinto on May 12, 2007 in Comic Books


Comic book artist Tom Artis passed away recenty, and his family has been going through some hard times. Here’s coverage from a local paper:

Comic artist’s death leaves family struggling

“He suffered a massive stroke in June that left him comatose, relying on a ventilator to breathe and a feeding tube to eat. Earlier that year, ceiling problems at the family’s home in the 1700 block of Clay Street displaced them. The house was further damaged during the March 12, 2006, tornadoes, and they stayed at the Quest Inn while they tried to get it repaired.

Artis’ final stroke put a halt to those plans, and the situation quickly spiraled downhill, Kim said. While Artis was hospitalized in intensive care from June to August, someone broke into the house and stole most of their belongings, including many of Artis’ original prints. The theft was a difficult blow to Kim. Not only was the stolen artwork irreplaceable, she realized her husband likely would never draw again. Despite an article in The State Journal-Register about the crime, the pieces were never recovered.”

If you’d like to help here’s a suggestion from the Comics Reporter on how to help:

“Friends of the family have set up an account for the family at a local bank, one of those things where they encourage you to walk in and make a contribution. In other words, it’s not one of those things set up to take advantage of the Internet. But having just talked to the bank, you can also mail a check or money order in.
You can make the check out to:

The Tom TC Artis and Family Memorial Fund

You can send the check to:

Marine Bank
Attn: Gale Krueger
1401 North Dirksen Parkway
Springfield, IL 62702

Would you please consider doing so? Even just two, three, five bucks. I can’t send much, either, but I’m going to send something. I think there will be a whole lot of cartoonists in the next two decades that will be in need, and maybe there will be some talk between now and then about other, bigger things that can be done, but right now that’s a family that’s been through a lot that has a specific point of need where I think even the tiniest amount could be a help.”

Found via the Beat, and the example of Tom’s artwork found via the ImageNETion Portal.


Return to the Moon

Posted by Michael Pinto on May 11, 2007 in Science

Lunar Lander Approaching the Moon

Above: Artwork showing a Lunar Lander approaching the Moon.

NASA has put out a promotional video which shows off their plans for a return to the moon:

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Fangoria Comics

Posted by Michael Pinto on May 11, 2007 in Comic Books, Horror

Mark Kidwell’s Recluse - Fangoria Comics

Jeffrey Nodelman’s the Fourth Horseman - Fangoria Comics

Shown above are cover illustrations from Frangoria Comics which will debut it’s first titles in June. The first illustration is from Mark Kidwell’s Recluse, and the second illustration is from Jeffrey Nodelman’s the Fourth Horseman. It’s also interesting to note that the Fourth Horseman comic book series will be a prequel to an upcoming animated horror film being produced by Fangoria.


Clayton Crain Tackles Thunderbolts

Posted by Michael Pinto on May 10, 2007 in Comic Books

Clayton Crain - Thunderbolts #114

The above cover art for Thunderbolts #114 is by illustrator Clayton Crain. The cover art reminds me of an old classic pulp magazine cover or movie poster due to the combination of realism with dramatic action. I love the attention to detail that Crain has put into their costumes, it’s the little touches like the harness buckles and mechanical parts that bring the illustration to life.


Rare Pooh Drawings to be Auctioned

Posted by Michael Pinto on May 10, 2007 in Hobbies and Collections

Pooh: Tiggers don't like hone

Pooh visiting in Owl's parlour

Above: ‘Tiggers don’t like honey’ and ‘Pooh visiting in Owl’s parlour’ by Ernest H. Shepard (1879-1976).

Good news for you Pooh fanboys (and fangurls) with a bit of spare cash:

Rare Pooh drawings up for auction

“A pair of Winnie the Pooh drawings are expected to fetch up to £30,000 each when they go on sale at a London auction house later this month. The coloured crayon drawings by Ernest H Shepard – Tiggers Don’t Like Honey and Pooh Visiting in Owl’s Parlour – will be auctioned at Bonhams on 22 May. Tiggers Don’t Like Honey was drawn for the 1958 edition of AA Milne’s The World of Pooh, but never published. The Owl illustration was published in Methuen’s 1929 Winnie the Pooh.”


Rodriguez to Direct Land of the Lost & the Jetsons

Posted by Michael Pinto on May 9, 2007 in Animation, Cinema, Television

Land of the Lost

I have to admit that a live action Jetsons movie doesn’t get me excited, but on the other hand the idea of Rodriguez taking on Land of the Lost is a great idea! Of course I’d like to see them use the sort A+ writers like they had on the old 70s TV series:

Future or past for Rodriguez?

“Grindhouse might have taken a drubbing at the boxoffice, but director Robert Rodriguez is very much in demand. He is in talks to direct a live-action feature version of futuristic 1960s cartoon “The Jetsons” for Warner Bros. Pictures, being produced by Denise Di Novi and Donald De Line.

At the same time, the helmer has met with Will Ferrell and Universal execs for helming duties on “Land of the Lost,” based on the 1970s Sid and Marty Krofft fantasy TV series to which Ferrell is attached to star. While no offers have been made, sources say “Jetsons” has the edge because its script, whose latest draft is by Adam Goldberg (“Fanboys”), is further along.”


Wally Schirra: A NASA Original

Posted by Michael Pinto on May 9, 2007 in Science

Wally Schirra

Wally Schirra

There’s a fantastic photo essay on the life of astronaut Wally Schirra at nasa.gov:

Wally Schirra: 1923-2007

Shown on top is a very posed photo of Schirra from his early Mercury days, but I love the contrast of that photograph with the one below it which is of him in action on the ninth day of the Apollo 7 mission in 1968.

It makes me sad to look at these photos because they’re about as old as I am, and when they were taken the United States dared to invest in a real space program. As a child growing up in the shadow of that era (watching shows like Star Trek and Space:1999) I just assumed that we’d continue the effort, but alas during the 70s was the when things started to wind down. In the next few years we may return to the moon, but the ships that took us there in the 60s are now rusty artifacts sitting in museums.

As an adult I’ve come to realize that it’s too late for me to be an astronaut and that I’m too poor to be a space tourist, but damn it I’d like to see the next generation going up there to walk around places like Mars. I’d trade every great sci fi film from the last twenty five years if that could become reality. I also think that as the Apollo program was the silver lining to the strife of the 60s that an agressive space program might set our eyes upon the stars instead of war down here on Earth.

It’s a depressing day in America when three out of ten Republican candidates running for the office of President of the United States don’t believe in evolution. That’s not the kind of attitude that launched the Kitty Hawk or allowed a man to walk on the moon. It’s shocking for me to think that Dwight D. Eisenhower of Abilene, Kansas started NASA and now Kansas Senator Brownback is ready to join the flat earth club.

Yes a program like NASA costs a little bit of money (less that 1% of our Federal budget) but a lack of imagination and innovation with cost us much more. And by the way NASA is proof that a big government program can achieve results if you want it to.


Angel Yau: An Animated Self Portrait

Posted by Michael Pinto on May 9, 2007 in Animation

I love the above animation by Angel Yau, it’s a great example of the power of the web to tell a very personal and interesting story on a low budget. What I like about videos like this (and other ones on YouTube) is that it brings me back to the golden age of MTV in the 80s when young film makers were using the new medium of cable TV to make little gems of story telling magic.

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Ratatouille: The Good Rats

Posted by Michael Pinto on May 8, 2007 in Animation



Say what you will about the limits of computer animation, but man Pixar knows how to make rats look cute! And having come across few real street and subway rats in New York City I can tell you that’s pretty darn hard thing to do…


Optimash Prime

Posted by Michael Pinto on May 8, 2007 in Hobbies and Collections

Optimash Prime

He’s a cute little small fry isn’t he? Seen above is Optimash Prime, a Mr. Potato Head action figure done up as your favorite Transformers robot leader Optimus Prime.

Found via Toy News International.


Japanese Schoolgirl Inferno

Posted by Michael Pinto on May 7, 2007 in Fandom

Japanese Schoolgirl Inferno

Patrick Macias is one of my favorite bloggers, and I guess the proof is that I’ve swiped dozens of interesting stories from his site. Well now Mr. Macias has a cool new bok coming out which is titled Japanese Schoolgirl Inferno: Tokyo Teen Fashion Subculture Handbook and knowing Patrick’s love of Japanese subculture I can tell that the book is going to be killer! So do yourself a favor and go out and buy a copy today…


AstroBoy Likes Hybrid Cars

Posted by Michael Pinto on May 7, 2007 in Animation

This Toyota ad celebrates ten years of hybrid car technology features AstroBoy and quite a few other Tezuka characters.

Found via JapanProbe.com.


Off The Wall

Posted by Michael Pinto on May 6, 2007 in Animation

Seen above is a cute animated short from CalArts student (soon to be grad) Alex Hirsch that combines animation and live action.

Found via coldhardflash.com.


A Bit of Cheesecake from Japan

Posted by Michael Pinto on May 6, 2007 in Japanese TV

A slice of cheesecake heaven from Japan:

The commercial stars Yuko Takeuchi who got her big break in 1999 with NHK’s television series Asuka. She also starred in Heaven’s Bookstore a 2004 film about a struggling classical pianist who is sent to heaven to work in a bookstore. Here’s her official website:


Yuko Takeuchi


Is Mars Ice Ice Baby?

Posted by Michael Pinto on May 5, 2007 in Science


Seen above: Illustration showing the Phoenix Mars Mission (click on the image to see it at full size – trust me it’s worth it).

This interesting but over looked BBC News story reports that there may be quite a bit more ice on Mars than we thought:

‘Up to half’ of Mars may have ice

“Scientists in the US say that initial data from a new way of scanning Mars has shown up to half of the Red Planet’s surface may contain ice. The new method of scanning for water offers vastly more accurate readings than before, they say. The data could prove vital for the Phoenix Mars Mission which launches this August and which will put a lander on the surface to dig for ice. The new data shows wide variation as to how deep below the surface ice exists.”

…I say that it’s high time we stop sending probes to Mars and send a bunch of people to polk around the red planet once and for all! I tired of only seeing manned space exploration in history books and science fiction tv shows…


Cinco de Mayo is Free Comic Book Day

Posted by Michael Pinto on May 5, 2007 in Comic Books

Free Comic Book Day

So you’re fanboy curious, but the cost of all of those overpriced collectibles have scared you off? Well today is your lucky day to save a buck or two, it’s Free Comic Book Day!

Here’s some vital info on the event:

“As the name implies, Free Comic Book Day is a single day when participating comic book shops across North America and around the world are giving away comic books absolutely free to anyone who comes into their stores. Free Comic Book Day will take place on May 5, 2007. Are they really free? Yep!”

So go forth and spread the word to your non-fanboy (and non-fangurl) friends who want to take a test drive on the geek side…

Free Comic Book Day


I’m a Marvel and I’m a DC

Posted by Michael Pinto on May 4, 2007 in Comic Books

Shown above is a cute low budget spoof of the Mac vs. PC ads.

Read more…


Disney Ride Simulators

Posted by Michael Pinto on May 3, 2007 in Videogames


Oh sure anyone can go to Space Mountain and take a ride, but what if you could run the ride? Well thanks to the Disney Ride Simulators you can have your dream come true. This fun website allows you take control one of four Disneyland rides: the Tower of Terror, Space Mountain, Big Thunder Mountain and Phantom Manor. It’s like playing the Sims for Disneyland fanboys!


Kitsch Futuristic Kitchen Film

Posted by Michael Pinto on May 3, 2007 in Cinema

Seen above is a 1967 short film titled 1999 A.D. in which the inevitable advances of the future are demonstrated. This clip of ‘the kitchen of the future’ showcases a world of automation, maximized health, and a push-button culture; themes we see throughout the film.

Found via Paleo-Future.


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