Posted by Michael Pinto on Sep 2, 2007 in

Not only is Tarantino correct that he was talking up Casino Royale before it was made, but also his vision of setting the film in the 60s was much more creative:
Tarantino hits out at Bond remake
“Director Quentin Tarantino has slammed the Casino Royale producers for making the movie without his input, according to the UK movie magazine, Total Film. Tarantino, 44, best known for hit cult films like Pulp Fiction, said remaking the Bond movie was originally his idea.
“I never saw Casino Royale because I was so mad at those guys,” he said. “They said publicly that Casino Royale was un-filmable. The minute I said I would do Casino Royale, it’s on all the websites and it is the film that people want to see. They should have said thank you, ” added Tarantino.”
Posted by Michael Pinto on Sep 1, 2007 in

When I first read this I got excited, the idea of Russia or China landing on the moon would force the United States to re-invest in NASA and perhaps lead to a Mars landing as part of a new space race. But alas my fanboy hopes were dashed when I read further as it seems the Russians don’t even want to get to the moon until 2025 which pretty much makes their plans science fiction:
Russia planning moon mission
“MOSCOW, Aug. 31 (UPI) — Russia says it will send cosmonauts to the moon by 2025, with plans for a permanent manned base. Anatoly Perminov, head of the space agency, said a manned flight to Mars is scheduled for after 2035.”
…illustration of the LK “Luniy Korabl” Lunar Ship is from
Posted by Michael Pinto on Sep 1, 2007 in
Comic Books

It looks like Virgin Comics is going to bring back Frank Hampson’s Dan Dare back to life:
Legendary British Hero Returns To Comics
Read more…
Posted by Michael Pinto on Sep 1, 2007 in
Hobbies and Collections

It looks like good old TV Guide will cease to be published as a magazine, alas the company will live on but the publication will fade into history. As a fanboy this is rather sad for me as TV Guide has such a rich history of featuring all sorts of cool shows on their covers, making the back issues very collectable. Shown above are covers for Star Trek, Superman, the Six Million Dollar Man, Lost in Space, and Land of the Giants.
Update: This turns out to be a false alarm as it turns out that TV Guide will continue to kill trees! Thanks to the Minimalist Weblog for the update.