Eye in the Sky

Posted by Michael Pinto on Aug 19, 2007 in Cinema |

Eye in the Sky

I’ve been hearing a great deal about the Hong Kong film Eye in the Sky which just came out in June:

Is EYE IN THE SKY A New Hong Kong Masterpiece?!

“Eye in the Sky is an eye-catching masterpiece which urgently reminds us that the Hong Kong Cinema is not dead yet. This vibrant crime thriller casts a ray of hope onto the struggling film industry over there, telling us there are still some new, daring filmmakers working with passion and creative ideas in Hong Kong.

The movie is about an inconspicuous yet important unit of Police Force — the Surveillance Unit. The officers working in this unit mostly spend their time on endlessly waiting for their targets, following the suspects, setting up eavesdropping bugs and preparing tracking devices. They usually don’t need to participate in any action or use their guns. So how can a movie about people doing these boring jobs be so interesting? It’s because we have ignored the very nature of their job — they can only do things in secret and cannot afford any minor mistake. Once their covers are blown, so is the whole operation. To spice up the dramatic elements, the villains in the movie are not stupid at all — they also counter-surveillance to get away from the police. It’s a deadly cat-and-mouse game that is not only about physical strength but also about quick wit, patience and focus.”

Here’s the trailer:

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