Blade Runner Umbrella
I love the look the look the above Blade Runner umbrella from ThinkGeek, it’s just the perfect thing for wandering around late Los Angeles in 2019:
“Early in the 21st Century, the Tyrell Corporation advanced robot evolution into the Nexus phase – a being virtually identical to a human – known as a Replicant. They’re all around you, even now. That guy next to you? He’s a Replicant. How do we know? He’s walking the streets in the rain with no umbrella. That, and he failed the Voight-Kampff. In the pre-apocalyptic future, the air will be so thick, it will be dark in the middle of the day. Coupled with the almost constant rain, you’ll need to find a way to stay dry, and light your way to the noodle shop down the street.”