Frank Miller’s Ronin Headeding to the Big Screen

Posted by Michael Pinto on Mar 12, 2007 in Comic Books |

Frank Miller's Ronin

Great news for fanboys who like comic book samurai:

Frank Miller’s Ronin Finds A New Master

“In spite of the casting uncertainty and production rumors surrounding Sin City 2, there doesn’t appear to be a shortage of Frank Miller material headed to the big screen. The opening date of 300 is looming closer, and now IESB has posted the news of the latest Miller graphic novel to be chosen for a film adaptation. 300 producer Gianni Nunnari has confirmed that he is already planning his next project — an adaptation of Miller’s Ronin. Ronin is the story of a dishonored 13th century samurai existing in an apocalyptic New York packed with mutants, cannibals, and a reincarnated demon while on a quest for redemption. The story has a little bit of everything; Miller himself has described it as “a superhero, science fiction, samurai drama, urban nightmare, gothic romance.”

On board to direct this delicate balance of a movie is the unlikely choice of Sylvian White, whose most memorable credit so far is the teen dance drama Stomp The Yard. In a recent interview with White about the project, he answered the question foremost in the mind of fans — are they sticking to the original story? White admits that some cuts will be made, saying, “Ronin is very dense and very long, so of course we are going to have to streamline the story to fit it within a movie time frame. ” Sin City definitely raised the bar when it comes to comic book films, so hopefully White can keep up.”

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