007’s Next Mission?

Posted by Michael Pinto on Dec 14, 2006 in Cinema |

James Bond

007’s Next Mission Revealed?

“The follow-up to Casino Royale will reportedly be based on the Ian Fleming short story Risico, which appeared in his 1960 book For Your Eyes Only.

“Bosses were so pleased with how well Casino Royale has been received that work has already commenced on Risico at Pinewood Studios,” claimed a source for the British tabloid The Sun. “Some of the same characters will crop up again. But one of the main aspects will be to develop Bond’s complex personality.”

The problem with Risico is that its basic plot and characters was already used for the 1981 film version of For Your Eyes Only. In Fleming’s Risico, 007 is sent to Italy to investigate a heroin ring and crosses paths with the likes of Colombo and Kristatos, both of whom were featured in the Roger Moore movie.”

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