Sundance goes Sci Fi

Posted by Michael Pinto on Oct 7, 2006 in Cinema |

I’m always down on the Sci Fi channel for nottaking chances, well this time I’m wrong! It seems they are doing something quite cool and joining up with the Sundance channel to have a contest for science fiction films:

SCI FI, Sundance Launch Exposure

“SCI FI Channel announced that it will join forces with Sundance Channel to launch Exposure, an eight-week short-film competition to find the best science fiction, horror or fantasy films to post on SCIFI.COM and, with a grand prize of the chance to pitch a project to SCI FI Channel’s Pictures Group. Both sites are now accepting submissions from up-and-coming filmmakers of two-to-eight-minute movies in the genre.

The short films will be judged by a committee of SCI FI Channel and Sundance Channel experts, who will review the submissions and post the best ones online each week. Viewers will cast their votes on either Web site to determine a weekly winner, ultimately determining the eight finalists. The eight shorts will be featured in an on-air special, to be broadcast on SCI FI Channel (airdate to be announced) preceding the online voting to determine the grand prize winner. That winner will be awarded a trip to New York to pitch his or her project.”


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