Posted by Bob Muir on May 7, 2013 in
Comic Books

I think the Marvel Cinematic Universe is awesome, and I love where Marvel is trying to take it. Unfortunately, well before Marvel came up with their own shared universe, they had licensed out rights to certain properties to other studios. That’s why Sony keeps making Spider-Man movies and why Fox definitely won’t be quitting on X-Men anytime soon — they want to keep holding on to these money-making rights in an environment where superhero movies are thriving. But what about some of those other Marvel properties that aren’t being exploited? Read more…
Tags: Disney, Ghost Rider, Marvel, The Punisher
Posted by Michael Pinto on Aug 17, 2009 in
Comic Books

I’m so happy to see Marvel taking chances for once! With the first issue of Punisher Noir #1 which hits comic book shops on Wednesday, August 19th we’ll see an entire Punisher series that is set in the 1920’s. The minute I came across the cover for this book (illustrated by Tim Bradstreet and Denis Calero) I liked the little touches like the Flatiron building in the background and the vintage firearms show as decorative graphics. Looking at the inside of the book I like what artist Paul Azaceta and writer Frank Tieri have done with this book: Read more…
Tags: Denis Calero, Frank Tieri, Marvel, Paul Azaceta, The Punisher, Tim Bradstreet