Posted by Bob Muir on May 15, 2013 in
Star Trek,

The latest battle for viewership is being fought on subscription services like Netflix and Hulu Plus. Original shows like House of Cards are proving to be draws, and Netflix’s exclusive season four of Arrested Development could be a major win for the service. In light of this and the renewed popularity of Star Trek thanks to J.J. Abrams’ rebooted films, has led some fans to try and resurrect Star Trek TV series on Netflix. The only thing is that the prime candidate is Star Trek: Enterprise, of all things. Read more…
Tags: Netflix, Star Trek: Enterprise
Posted by Michael Sacco on Nov 6, 2011 in
Star Trek,

The finale of Star Trek: Enterprise, the last Trek show to grace the small screen, is…let’s say unpopular. It essentially undid the entire series in one fell swoop and took away what wind remained in the show’s sails by having Jonathan Frakes and Marina Sirtis, aka Riker and Troi, as guest stars. Turns out Frakes wasn’t a fan of the move either, saying that it felt like a sort of middle finger to Enterprise lead actor Scott Bakula. In fact, Frakes calls the entire experience an “unpleasant memory.” Blastr‘s got the whole story. Frakes comes across as a pretty okay guy in these quotes, but then again, any good Starfleet officer would. Read more…
Tags: Star Trek: Enterprise