Posted by Ben Huber on Dec 21, 2014 in
Star Wars

JJ Abrams recently released a video sending his thanks out to all the fans who donated to UNICEF as part of the Force for Change event, which would give fans a chance to be in the movie. The last two videos gave brief looks at alien puppets and the X-wing design in the film, and this time around we’re seeing Chewbacca and R2-D2 show up! As you might expect, R2 looks like R2. Chewie doesn’t have a single grey hair! I know Wookies live a long time, though, so who knows when those start coming in. Make Wookie noises below the jump. Read more…
Tags: Chewbacca, Episode VII, The Force Awakens
Posted by Ben Huber on Sep 26, 2014 in
Hobbies and Collections,
Star Wars

Hot Toys continues to knock it out of the park with every figure they make, but this new Chewbacca figure might just take the cake. He has brown fabric hair across his entire body, and it looks just like the real thing. I’m honestly surprised it looks this good, because typically, hair on figures is hard to do right. A whole figure of hair? A nightmare! But somehow they pulled it off, and Chewie looks great standing next to Han. As usual, he comes with a bunch of accessories, such as his bowcaster and bandoleer, as well as a figure stand. Check out some more images below, then see the full gallery here! Read more…
Tags: Chewbacca, Hot Toys
Posted by Michael Pinto on Nov 9, 2011 in
Hobbies and Collections,
Star Wars

This cute little Chewtoro adorns this t-shirt which is created by Found via Takashi Akimoto.
Tags: Anime, Chewbacca, t-shirt, Totoro
Posted by Michael Pinto on Aug 22, 2011 in
Star Wars

These wonderful Victorian styled portraits of Star Wars characters were done Greg Peltz whom works at Pixar. And if you’d like to hang these in your parlor you can purchase prints at Read more…
Tags: Boba Fett, C-3PO, Chewbacca, Jabba the Hutt, Pixar, steampunk, Wookies
Posted by Michael Pinto on May 21, 2010 in
Hobbies and Collections,
Star Wars

Even though he’s reffered to a walking rug there’s always been something so charming about Chewie: I think it’s because Wookies remind us a bit of doggies (it’s the nose I tell you!). So you’d think that by making him a cyclops that Chewbacca wouldn’t have any appeal — yet this adorable Chewbacca the Timid Monster proves otherwise. Standing at only 1.5” tall this little guy designed by TrishCzech won me over. Read more…
Tags: Chewbacca, Etsy, Star Wars
Posted by Michael Pinto on Mar 4, 2010 in
Hobbies and Collections,
Star Wars

As a Star Wars fanboy I’m quite impressed with the level of detail in this Kubrick Star Wars DX Series 1 which is based on Return of the Jedi. Featured in the set are Luke Skywalker as a Jedi Knight, C-3PO & Salacious B. Crumb, R2-D2, Chewbacca, Amanaman the bounty hunter, Bib Fortuna and extra parts to build a Jabba the Hutt! These goodies will be shipping around the end of June however pre-orders are already being accepted. Read more…
Tags: C-3PO, Chewbacca, Jabba the Hutt, Luke Skywalker, R2-D2, Return of the Jedi, Urban Toys
Posted by Michael Pinto on Jul 20, 2009 in
Hobbies and Collections,
Star Wars

It was nothing less than a historic moment when director George Lucas decided to feature a trash compactor scene in Star Wars: Sure Stanley Kubrick broke ground in 2001: A Space Odyssey by showing a bathroom scene — but it look the bold vision of Lucas to take us dumpster diving into a space station the size of a planet (or small moon if you want to quibble). And that why the Franklin Mint, err Gentle Giant Products has decided to commemorate this milestone in cinematic history with the Star Wars Trash Compactor Bookends Statue. Read more…
Tags: Chewbacca, George Lucas, Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Star Wars
Posted by Michael Pinto on Mar 7, 2009 in
Hobbies and Collections,
Star Wars

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away there were these cute little mice! I know this sounds like we’re kitbashing Star Wars with the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy but these adorable sci fi rodents are the precious creations of the House of Mouse and can be found on Etsy on their very own page. There are 14 mice in the entire collection so far and they run between $35 and $40, but bet of all if your favorite character is missing they’re open to doing custom orders. Shown above is Princess Leia mouse and below is Darth Vader mouse. Read more…
Tags: Boba Fett, Chewbacca, Darth Vader, Etsy, Ewoks, Obiwan Kenobi, Princess Leia, Star Wars, Stormtroopers, Wookies, Yoda