Doctor Who Character Skins Come to Minecraft on Xbox 360

Posted by Ben Huber on Aug 29, 2014 in Dr. Who, Videogames


Are you one of the zillions of children playing Minecraft on Xbox 360? Maybe your own kids are into it? Well, time to get them into Doctor Who, too, with several new skin packs for the game soon. On the PC version of Minecraft, you can use and create any skin you can imagine, but on the Xbox 360 version, you’re limited to what Microsoft and Mojang offer. This has given rise to many licensed skin packs for the game, like these Doctor Who packs. The skin packs will start in September. Read more…



Doctor Who Series 8 Gets Full Trailer, No More Teasing

Posted by Bob Muir on Jul 15, 2014 in Dr. Who, Television

Doctor Who

No more of pussy-footing around with a single shot with a strobe light! With the series 8 premiere of Doctor Who right around the corner — August 23 — the BBC has seen fit to release a trailer with actual content in it! The tone seems a bit darker, but we do have a new, older Twelfth Doctor played by Peter Capaldi, so this is a chance for a new direction. Plus: dinosaurs and Daleks! This season looks exciting, so waiting a month is going to be quite difficult. Read more…

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Here’s a New Doctor Who Season 8 Teaser

Posted by Ben Huber on Jun 29, 2014 in Dr. Who


You want to know how Peter Capaldi will do as the Doctor, right? Well, this teaser… will not tell you that. It barely shows anything, actually. But when you’re a desperate Doctor Who fan, you’ll take any morsel you can get. However, the real news isn’t the teaser, it’s the premier date for the eighth season: August 23rd. It’ll air on both BBC and BBC America, so no waiting for US-based fans, either (although that hasn’t really been an issue these days). Check out the short teaser below and then set your DVRs for August 23rd! Read more…



BBC Posts Extremely-Teasing Teaser For Doctor Who Season 8

Posted by Bob Muir on May 27, 2014 in Dr. Who, Television

Twelfth Doctor

We all know Peter Capaldi will be playing the Twelfth Doctor when the new Doctor Who‘s eight season starts this August on BBC One. With filming having started earlier this year, it’s about time to start promoting the new season. So what do we get? The most teaser-y teaser to ever tease. We get a logo, an approximate date, some ominous music, and a couple frames of Capaldi in shadow. There is so little to actually tease, because this offers us nothing new to freak out over! At least give us a quip, an arm movement, a stare! Regardless, I’m sure this will throw some fans into a tizzy. Read more…

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Ban On Doctor Who LEGO CUUSOO Submissions Lifted

Posted by Ben Huber on Mar 3, 2014 in Dr. Who, Hobbies and Collections


LEGO CUUSOO is a great service. Just recently we got an amazing Ghostbusters Ecto-1 model from it! But some licenses or properties are immediately discarded due to existing licensing deals or other limits on the IP people want LEGO models of. Doctor Who was an example of this: submit all you want, but it wasn’t happening. We don’t know what was preventing it, but now we have good news: it’s gone! Fans can now submit Doctor Who LEGO set ideas to their hearts content and vote them up. Remember, you’ve got to get 10,000 votes on something before it’ll even be considered. Good luck! Read more…

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First Look At The Twelfth Doctor’s Outfit

Posted by Bob Muir on Jan 28, 2014 in Dr. Who, Television

The Twelfth Doctor

Part of the excitement of getting a new main actor on Doctor Who is seeing what he’s going to wear. Sometimes you wind up with something unique and classic, like Tom Baker as the Fourth Doctor, and other times you wind up with possibly the worst outfit ever cobbled together, like Colin Baker as the Sixth Doctor. Now that Peter Capaldi has taken over the role as the Twelfth Doctor and filming has begun, we finally get to see how his version of The Doctor will look. And how he will look is pretty cool. Read more…

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Look At The Doctor Who Version Of Cards Against Humanity

Posted by Bob Muir on Jan 23, 2014 in Dr. Who, Hobbies and Collections

Cards Against Gallifrey

Yes, you can buy Cards Against Humanity, the more outrageous, dirty version of Apples to Apples. But you can just as easily download the cards and print your own — the makers even provide a link. You can do pretty much whatever you want with the format and writing, just as long as you don’t call it “Cards Against Humanity.” So it’s really easy to make a fan expansion however you want, like Crabs Adjust Humidity. Taking note of this, the comedy group Conventional Improv made a show based on Cards Against Humanity that they perform at conventions. In honor of Doctor Who‘s 50th Anniversary, they had performed a Doctor Who-themed game called Cards Against Gallifrey. That fan version is now available to download, so consider mixing these cards in if you’re a Doctor Who fan. Read more…



Watch This Homemade TARDIS Fly Away

Posted by Bob Muir on Dec 17, 2013 in Dr. Who, Television


Humanity can fly with planes, helicopters, jetpacks, and more. But can we make a TARDIS fly? Flyonix is trying to make that happen. They made a styrofoam TARDIS, and it actually flew a bit! Sure, it’s not flying on its own, but let’s consider the 12 rotors to be TARDIS “training wheels.” It’s obviously not ready for human (or Time Lord) passengers, since I’m sure part of the reason it’s flying is because it’s light. But hey, maybe they can keep working on it, get it to support heavier loads, and then put a person inside! And then maybe work on the whole “bigger on the inside” bit so more people can fit in. And then get it to travel through time and relative dimensions in space… Read more…

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Sherlock Meets The Doctor In This Fanmade Video

Posted by Bob Muir on Dec 14, 2013 in Dr. Who, Fandom, Television


Steven Moffat is in charge of both Doctor Who and Sherlock, two of the BBC’s biggest current exports (along with Downton Abbey). Unsurprisingly, there are many fans of both who have been dying for a crossover — Wholock, if you will. While Moffat thinks such a move would ruin Sherlock‘s setting (and I’m inclined to agree), that doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be awesome to see. That’s why this fanmade crossover is so great. There are minor flaws here and there, but for the most part, the two series mesh pretty well thanks to some clever compositing. it’s pretty cool to see Sherlock enter the TARDIS after years of searching for information on the mysterious Doctor and go off on an adventure. It’s just a shame that in becoming a companion, Sherlock is leaving behind his own companion. Read more…

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Doctor Who Christmas Special Gets Trailer

Posted by Bob Muir on Dec 12, 2013 in Dr. Who, Television

The Time of the Doctor

The time has come to say goodbye to Matt Smith, the Eleventh Doctor. But before Peter Capaldi takes over as the Twelfth Doctor, Eleven has one more chance to go out with a bang. It’s “The Time of the Doctor,” the Doctor Who Christmas special, and BBC America has a nice little trailer. Watch as The Doctor takes on, like, all the enemies ever. Daleks, Cybermen, Weeping Angels, the Silence, it almost seems like overkill. I’m sure it will be cool, but can any regeneration ever top The Caves of Androzani, Peter Davison’s last serial as the Fifth Doctor? I’d argue no. Read more…

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Google Celebrates Doctor Who’s 50th Anniversary

Posted by Ben Huber on Nov 24, 2013 in Dr. Who


Everyone is celebrating Doctor Who’s 50th anniversary… even Google! The search engine’s latest Google Doodle is a retro-styled game that takes place in their header and lets you play as any of the various Doctors. You can click to move your character around the screen,solve simple puzzles, avoid Daleks, and collect all the letters of the Google logo (obviously). It’s nothing too complex, but like most Google Doodles, it’s a heartfelt and creative little diversion. Check it out on Google’s homepage, or if you’re looking at this page in the far future and have missed it, hope over to Google’s Doodle archive where it should be archived. Read more…

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Second TV Trailer for The Day of the Doctor

Posted by Ben Huber on Nov 11, 2013 in Dr. Who


The 50th anniversary special for Doctor Who is coming up on November 23rd, so I now give you permission to get very excited. The latest trailer has a much better look at everything that’ll be going on in the special, and it looks like there is a lot. Three doctors, Daleks, and redecorations — there’s plenty here. It’ll be interesting to see how much they explain about John Hurt’s Doctor, as well as the transition to the next Doctor. Then again, I’m not a hardcore Who fan, so perhaps this has been explained thoroughly already. Anyway, check out the trailer below! Read more…

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No More Weeping Angels In Doctor Who, At Least From Moffat

Posted by Bob Muir on Oct 1, 2013 in Dr. Who, Television

Weeping Angel

The Weeping Angels were once scary monsters, debuting in one of the new Doctor Who series’ stand-out episodes, “Blink.” Since then, what might have been a great one-shot monster has been used two more times, culminating in a ridiculous episode where the Statue of Liberty turns out to be a Weeping Angel. Perhaps wisely, Stephen Moffat has chosen to step away from the monsters, saying “I’m probably done to be honest on what you can do with the Weeping Angels. But other writers have to have a go…” Read more…



Every Doctor Who Episode, Condensed Into One Hour

Posted by Bob Muir on Sep 17, 2013 in Dr. Who, Fandom

Every Episode of Doctor Who Ever Live on Stage

In 2011, I began a journey to watch through every episode of Doctor Who, starting with the very first episode in 1963 and even including fan-reconstructions of missing episodes. I still haven’t quite finished it — I just got to the Sixth Doctor! — but I could have saved myself a lot of time by visiting an upcoming show in Sydney, Australia. Comedian Patrick “Doublethreat” Magee has created a show he calls “Every Episode of Doctor Who Ever Live on Stage,” which is pretty self-explanatory. That means he’s condensing 798 episodes into a one-hour show! Read more…



Peter Capaldi is the Twelfth Doctor

Posted by Ben Huber on Aug 4, 2013 in Dr. Who


Looks like the popular fan predictions were correct: the next Doctor will be Peter Capaldi. The Scottish actor (best known for his role as Malcolm Tucker on The Thick of It) will take on the role of the intrepid Doctor. This isn’t really much of a surprise to many who were predicting Capaldi as the early favorite, but he’s a wonderful choice. Now I want to see the reactions of the younger Doctor Who fans who look up Capaldi’s compilations on YouTube from The Thick of It. That’ll be a blast. I still wanted someone a bit different for the Doctor though. Maybe next time around! So: with an older Doctor now, how will the show change in the future? Read more…

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The Twelfth Doctor May Be Revealed This Sunday

Posted by Ben Huber on Aug 2, 2013 in Dr. Who


Will the long wait for Doctor Who fans finally be over? There have been rumors swirling that this Sunday a big Doctor Who announcement would happen, but nothing had confirmed it yet. Now, accidentally posted their article early (and then quickly pulled it), and the news is out: this Sunday, at 7pm UK time on BBC One, the twelfth Doctor will be announced (currently codenamed Houdini). Supposedly, no one knows who the next Doctor is aside from a select few, and many have been working with the twelfth Doctor without even realizing it. There are so many possibilities and rumors for who the next Doctor could be, but I suspect it will be someone a bit more unknown, as that has been their M.O. more. Read more…

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90 Missing Doctor Who Episodes May Have Been Found

Posted by Bob Muir on Jun 20, 2013 in Dr. Who, Television

Second Doctor

Christmas may have come early for fans of classic Doctor Who. In the 70s, the BBC began a shortsighted policy of wiping old tapes for new use. Since all of the serials featuring the First and Second Doctors were in black-and-white, which was considered to have little potential for sales now that color TV was ubiquitous (and a home video market didn’t exist), they were some of the first episodes on the chopping block. (Even some Third Doctor material was wiped, though missing episodes were recovered, even if some were only found in black-and-white.) As a result, these early episodes are only extant thanks to private collectors or copies sent to other countries; anything not found has been reconstructed by fans based on telesnaps, fan-recorded audio, and other materials. Experts like Ian Levine believe that there will never be less than 106 missing episodes, mainly centered on the Second Doctor. And yet, there are now rumors that a whopping 90 episodes have been recovered. Read more…

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Zygons Return For Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special

Posted by Bob Muir on Apr 4, 2013 in Dr. Who, Television


The Zygons haven’t been truly featured since their debut story, Terror of the Zygons, a 1975 Doctor Who serial featuring the Fourth Doctor. Sure, they have been in a few newer episodes, and there have been in a few books released since then, including one with the Tenth Doctor, but those don’t count as much as being the main villains for a story. The BBC just tweeted this photo though, confirming that the Zygons will fully return in the 50th Anniversary Special! Read more…

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Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special To Be 3D And In Theaters

Posted by Bob Muir on Feb 12, 2013 in Dr. Who, Television

Doctor Who

I would have thought that Doctor Who mania would be in full swing, since 2013 is such a major milestone in Doctor Who history. It’s been 50 years since the broadcast of the first episode, “An Unearthly Child,” but other than a 60-minute anniversary special, there are only a few minor things being done. And what’s the deal with one 60-minute special? There should be some two-hour extravaganza, with as many Doctors returning as possible, a la the 25th anniversary’s The Five Doctors. (Plus, the season leading up to it featured the return of previous villains.) Ah well, at least the special will…be in theaters…and in 3D? Read more…

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1:6 Scale 10th Doctor Figure Coming this July

Posted by Ben Huber on Jan 28, 2013 in Dr. Who, Hobbies and Collections


Now here’s an impressive Doctor Who figure for your collection from the folks at Big Chief: the 10th Doctor, in 1:6 scale. It’s their third figure in the series (after Amy Pond and the 11th Doctor), and is limited to 1000 units. They did an excellent job on the sculpt here, and even though there’s only one face to choose from, it’s probably the best one you could go with for David Tennant anyway. This figure releases in July for £169.99. They do ship outside of Europe, so don’t worry, you can still order it and get your Doctor Who fix. Check out some more images below! Read more…



Amazing Augmented Reality Tardis

Posted by Ben Huber on Dec 28, 2012 in Dr. Who, Fandom


Over the past holidays, Greg Kumparak decided to do a bit of tinkering while on a Doctor Who-fueled creative streak. The result? He built his own minature TARDIS… that’s bigger on the inside. Now, you need a cell phone to see the inside, but this is one of the coolest and most unique uses of augmented reality. Using the phone, you can look inside the TARDIS’ door and see the entirety of the inside from your mobile perspective. He blogged about the whole process involved in making it here, and uploaded a video so you can see it in action. Watch it below! He says he’s hoping to post more info soon on how to make this yourself! Read more…



A Stamp of Approval for Doctor Who

Posted by Michael Pinto on Dec 26, 2012 in Dr. Who

William Hartnell

The BBC reports that the Royal Mail will be releasing an official set of Doctor Who stamps to honor the the 50th anniversary of the show. This wonderful series features a stamp for each Doctor, and then a second class set of stamps will features the villains from the show including my favorite the Daleks. Shown below are the other first class Doctors: Read more…



Catch Up On Doctor Who, Courtesy Of A Four-Year-Old

Posted by Bob Muir on Sep 18, 2012 in Dr. Who, Television

Doctor Who: Dinosaurs on a Spaceship

The modern Doctor Who may not be as targeted towards children like the classic series, but that doesn’t mean kids can’t enjoy it. Just ask Lindalee Rose, a four-year-old fan of the show. Though barely in pre-school, she knows all the characters and aliens, though she adorably insists on saying “Doctor Who” instead of “The Doctor.” And of course, she has her own opinions on the newest episodes. Read more…

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Doctor Who Online Spinoff Is All About The Ponds

Posted by Bob Muir on Aug 23, 2012 in Dr. Who, Television

Pond Life

The seventh season of Doctor Who is right around the corner, on Saturday, September 1. But that’s still more than a whole week away! Should fans really have to wait even longer for more of the Doctor? The BBC doesn’t think so, as they will be releasing five webisodes of a miniseries they’re calling Pond Life. Read more…



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