Workspaces? Maybe Not So Otacool After All

Posted by Tim Sheehy on Aug 19, 2010 in Fandom |

Otacool 3

Danny Choo’s latest book entitled Otacool 3: Worldwide Workspaces has hit the shelves in Japan. For those of you who aren’t familiar with the concept of Otacool, it’s a book that basically details an aspect of otaku culture. The first volume dealt with otaku rooms/living areas, while the second book dealt exclusively with cosplay. This third volume, currently available via J-List, deals with — you guessed it — otaku workspaces. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve seen some pretty awesome workspaces — the book has plenty of them, and some of them are pretty impressive — but honestly, I fail to grasp the concept of a workspace, otaku or otherwise, being cool.  

Otacool 3: Worldwide Workspaces

Otacool 3: Worldwide Workspaces

Sure, it can be fun, or even distracting, but the last thing I want to think about is how cool my otaku friends would find it — though, I assure you it’s awesome. Thankfully, the book does serve a purpose beyond simply show casing a bunch of desks. Some of the rooms might provide ideas for increasing productivity, or easing workflow. Still, at least in comparison to the previous entries in the series, the overall concept falls short. Where the second book evolved from living quarters to cosplay, the idea of workspaces almost seems like a step in the wrong direction, and I’m starting to fear that otaku bathrooms might be next on the list.

Tim is a pro-blogger and freelance writer out of San Diego, California. In addition to, he contributes to the ModernMethod Network of sites as the Features and Reviews Editor for the Japanese culture and entertainment blog, Japanator. He’s also an Assocaite Editor for the collectible toy culture blog, Tomopop. For more information, follow him on twitter, or check out

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