The Superman-Tim Club Card: Membership Has Its Rewards
Posted by Michael Pinto on Apr 22, 2009 in Comic Books |

Superman-Tim Club Pin
If you’d like a closer look at that secret code here it is — just remember that small dots show the end of words:
Here’s the cover of a typical Christmas issue, from time-to-time you can find these goodies on eBay or at a comic book show:
This is a 4th of July issue, the great thing about being Tim is that you get to hang out with Superman all year (click to see the cover full size):
And here is a rare Five Dollar Redback which could be redeemed at Tim Stores for (in most cases) a penny:
Special thanks to Dan Goodsell for finding that secret club card! Make sure to visit his World of Mr Toast and support his cool Etsy shop…