The Cutting Room Floor: Skinwalkers

Posted by Guest Author on Jan 5, 2008 in Horror |


Werewolves are back in the movies! Underworld and it’s sequel have managed to make the wolf man a popular topic for film in the new century and the latest release in this genre is Skinwalkers. With a PG-13 rating and a pretty formulamatic plot Skinwalkers was perceived as another tired retread from a Hollywood in desperate need of originality. Yet as the movie progressed it showed itself to have a little spark and a cast of actors and characters that you found yourself caring for.

Jason Behr (TV’s Roswell) plays Verek, the leader of one of two factions of Werewolves. One faction led by Jonas (Elias Koteas Zodiac, Shooter) wants to be left in peace and fight their disease that turns them into werewolves with every full moon. Verek’s group, who ride Harley Davidsons and raise hell everywhere they go, relish their were ways and kill humans indiscriminately. The two factions come to blows over a 12 year old boy who holds the key to salvation or damnation depending on which group gains control of him.

A running battle between good and evil is the main focus of the movie but it’s the little things, character reactions, little plot twists throughout, that makes Skinwalkers an enjoyable movie. It’s now available on DVD and worth checking out. With the PG-13 rating the gore and the language have been toned down considerably so don’t expect the gruesome death scenes or the corse language but neither are really necessary to make Skinwalkers work.

Here’s the trailer for Skinwalkers:

Richard Carroll is an avid movie viewer and all around fanboy. You can probably find him at his computer playing Guild Wars when not watching,writing, reading or roleplaying something (Oh and then there’s the real world and work). Check out some of his written works at A website in need of a webmaster to ensure it gets updated. (Any takers? Anyone? *grins*)

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